11'-α-Tocomonoenol is the major α-tocomonoenol isomer in cyanobacteria and microalgae from Costa Rica
Montoya Arroyo, Alexander
Lehnert, Katja
Lux, Peter Erwin
Jiménez García, Víctor
Esquivel Rodríguez, Patricia
Silva Benavides, Ana Margarita
Vetter, Walter
Frank, Jan
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α-Tocomonoenols are vitamin E-derivatives with a single double-bond in the tocochromanol sidechain. Currently, two congeners are known: 11′-α-tocomonoenol and 12′-α-tocomonoenol, the later better known as “marine-derived tocopherol” (MDT). Information regarding their presence in photosynthetic aquatic organisms is scarce. We thus determined vitamin E congeners and derivatives in microalgae and cyanobacteria to assess their potential as sources of α-tocomonoenols. Tocochromanols were extracted from freeze-dried cyanobacteria (Arthrospira platensis) and microalgae (Nannochloropsis oceanica, Chlorella vulgaris and Tetraselmis sp.) and quantified by HPLC-FLD. α-Tocomonoenol was quantified in N. oceanica and Tetraselmis sp. where it was the second most abundant tocochromanol following α-tocopherol. LC-MSn and GC-MS confirmed that 11′-α-tocomonoenol and not MDT was the predominant α-tocomonoenol form in evaluated cyanobacteria and microalgae. No significant correlations were observed between tocomonoenol or vitamin E contents and fatty acid profiles. In conclusion, microalgae and particularly Tetraselmis sp. are novel sources of 11′-α-tocomonoenol, a tocochromanol not previously reported in aquatic photosynthetic organisms.