El capital a escala global-nacional y el malestar de las naciones
Reuben Soto, Sergio
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En este artículo se propone uno de los elementos que explica las crecientes y extendidas manifestaciones de malestar social entre los más diversos pueblos de la Tierra. La acumulación de capital como fundamento del crecimiento de la producción global, supone limitaciones para un uso eficiente y eficaz de los recursos escasos del planeta. Estas limitaciones imponen formas de distribución de la riqueza entre los pueblos que resultan en una producción social inadecuada para las necesidades generales, creando un malestar social general.
In this paper, we propose one of the elements that in our opinion explain the growing and widespread manifestations of social unrest among the most diverse peoples of the Earth. The accumulation of capital, as a foundation for the growth of global production, implies limitations for efficient and effective use of scarce resources on the planet. These limitations impos forms of distribution of wealth among peoples resulting in inadequate social production for general needs, creating general social unrest.
In this paper, we propose one of the elements that in our opinion explain the growing and widespread manifestations of social unrest among the most diverse peoples of the Earth. The accumulation of capital, as a foundation for the growth of global production, implies limitations for efficient and effective use of scarce resources on the planet. These limitations impos forms of distribution of wealth among peoples resulting in inadequate social production for general needs, creating general social unrest.
Palabras clave
Desorden internacional, Cambio y desarrollo social, Sociología, Países en desarrollo, Desarrollo socioeconómico, Sistemas económicos capitalistas, Equilibrio económico, Monopolio y competencia, International disorder, Change and social development, Sociology, Developing countries, Socioeconomic development, Capitalist economic systems, Economic equilibrium, Monopoly and competition