Análisis de las estrategias de gestión educativa de la Escuela de Artes Musicales de la Universidad de Costa Rica, para aumentar la pertinencia curricular de la oferta académica de las carreras de instrumento y canto en relación con las alternativas laborales en ejecución disponibles en el país
tesis de maestría
Alvarado Aguilar, Nicolás
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El presente trabajo final de graduación tiene como objeto confrontar las estrategias de pertinencia curricular, de las carreras en instrumento y canto de la Escuela de Artes Musicales de la Universidad de Costa Rica, en relación con el contexto de las oportunidades laborales en ejecución disponibles en las diferentes escenas costarricenses. Así mismo, se examinan posibles transformaciones académicas que podrían implementarse para abordar las realidades cambiantes de las industrias culturales en Costa Rica y preparar a los músicos para una variedad de roles en el campo musical.
En la sociedad actual, los ámbitos artístico musicales han experimentado transformaciones significativas que han tenido un impacto tanto en la producción como en la práctica y el consumo de la música. Estos cambios han influido en las oportunidades laborales y las expectativas de los músicos. La formación proporcionada por la EAM, que se centra en la música clásica o de arte, puede no estar preparando adecuadamente a los músicos para enfrentar los desafíos cambiantes de la sociedad y la industria musical.
La gestión curricular y la revisión constante de los planes de estudio son fundamentales para adaptar la formación de músicos a las necesidades de la sociedad y del sector productivo. La EAM debe considerar la inclusión de "nuevos saberes" en su currículo, para preparar a los músicos de manera más efectiva para el mundo laboral diverso y en constante evolución.
Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se trabajó con diferentes grupos de participantes pertenecientes a la EAM: administrativos, docentes, estudiantes y graduados. Así mismo, se incluyó un quinto grupo conformado por músicos ejecutantes de las diferentes escenas musicales costarricenses.
La investigación realizada responde a un enfoque mixto CUAL-cuan. Esta aproximación combina elementos tanto cualitativos como cuantitativos, aunque con una preponderancia en la investigación cualitativa, se busca integrar ambas perspectivas en el proceso investigativo. En esta aproximación, se emplean métodos de recopilación y análisis de datos tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos con el objetivo de lograr una comprensión más profunda y completa del objeto de estudio.
The purpose of this final graduation project is to examine the curricular relevance strategies of the Instrument and Singing programs at the School of Musical Arts of the University of Costa Rica in relation to the current job opportunities available in various Costa Rican musical scenes. Additionally, the project aims to explore potential academic adjustments to address the evolving realities of the cultural industries in Costa Rica and to better prepare musicians for diverse roles within the musical field. In contemporary society, the artistic and musical domains have undergone significant transformations, impacting music production, practice, and consumption. These changes have influenced job prospects and expectations for musicians. The training provided by the School of Musical Arts, with its focus on classical or art music, may not sufficiently equip musicians to navigate the evolving challenges of society and the music industry. Effective curriculum management and ongoing review of study plans are crucial to align musicians' training with the needs of society and the job market. The School of Musical Arts should consider incorporating "new knowledge" into its curriculum to better prepare musicians for the dynamic and multifaceted world of work. To conduct this research, various stakeholders from the School of Musical Arts were engaged, including administrators, faculty, students, and alumni. Additionally, a fifth group comprised of practicing musicians from diverse Costa Rican musical scenes was included. The research methodology employed a mixed QUAL-quant approach, combining qualitative and quantitative elements. While qualitative research predominated, both perspectives were integrated into the investigative process. This approach involved using both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods to attain a comprehensive understanding of the research subject.
The purpose of this final graduation project is to examine the curricular relevance strategies of the Instrument and Singing programs at the School of Musical Arts of the University of Costa Rica in relation to the current job opportunities available in various Costa Rican musical scenes. Additionally, the project aims to explore potential academic adjustments to address the evolving realities of the cultural industries in Costa Rica and to better prepare musicians for diverse roles within the musical field. In contemporary society, the artistic and musical domains have undergone significant transformations, impacting music production, practice, and consumption. These changes have influenced job prospects and expectations for musicians. The training provided by the School of Musical Arts, with its focus on classical or art music, may not sufficiently equip musicians to navigate the evolving challenges of society and the music industry. Effective curriculum management and ongoing review of study plans are crucial to align musicians' training with the needs of society and the job market. The School of Musical Arts should consider incorporating "new knowledge" into its curriculum to better prepare musicians for the dynamic and multifaceted world of work. To conduct this research, various stakeholders from the School of Musical Arts were engaged, including administrators, faculty, students, and alumni. Additionally, a fifth group comprised of practicing musicians from diverse Costa Rican musical scenes was included. The research methodology employed a mixed QUAL-quant approach, combining qualitative and quantitative elements. While qualitative research predominated, both perspectives were integrated into the investigative process. This approach involved using both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods to attain a comprehensive understanding of the research subject.
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