Evaluación del comportamiento hidrológico, de sedimentos y de concentración de nutrientes en una microcuenca en Tarrazú, Costa Rica
tesis de maestría
Wong Monge, Anayansi
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La disponibilidad de los suelos y aguas en el tiempo juegan un papel preponderante en el desarrollo y la calidad de vida de los seres humanos. Estos recursos son bienes esenciales pues impactan la sinergia socioeconómica de los productores de café. Por tanto, en este proyecto se realizó un levantamiento de información de indicadores de la gestión del suelo y del recurso hídrico, manejado de forma integral a través de una microcuenca del río Pirrís.
Se trabajaron dos parcelas de estudio en San Pedro de Tarrazú, donde se realizaron evaluaciones de los parámetros físicos y químicos de los suelos. Para determinar el efecto de la erosión hídrica, se establecieron barreras con geotextil para la recolección de sedimentos, a los cuales se les estimó el peso, el contenido de humedad y análisis químicos. La calidad del agua fue cuantificada en la naciente como en el efluente de la microcuenca, en el sitio se midió: pH, temperatura, conductividad eléctrica y concentración de oxígeno disuelto. Se aplicó cromatografía iónica para determinar aniones de fluoruro, cloruro, nitrato, fosfato y sulfato; así como los cationes de sodio, potasio, magnesio, calcio y amonio.
A partir de los análisis químicos de suelos se obtuvo que presentan altos niveles de acidez, deficiencias en el contenido de calcio, fósforo y zinc; que son problemáticas asociadas a suelos dedicados al cultivo de café con aplicaciones de fertilizaciones nitrogenadas. Se observaron mayores concentraciones de nutrientes en las muestras de sedimentos con respecto al suelo de las parcelas, demostrando pérdidas de nutrientes para el cultivo.
El monitoreo de la calidad del agua demostró un comportamiento adecuado de las variables antes señaladas, a excepción de la concentración de amonio que sobrepasa el límite permitido de 0,5 mg/l, siendo el parámetro más crítico. Según la escala del Sistema Holandés implica contaminación incipiente en la estación lluviosa y contaminación moderada en la época seca, para la microcuenca de estudio.
La modelación de caudal, sedimentos y nitrógeno en SWAT requirió de datos climáticos proporcionados por el IMN, un modelo de elevación digital, la capa de cobertura y del tipo de suelo para ser manejados con sistemas de información geográfica (SIG).
SWAT ha demostrado ser una herramienta útil para estimar el comportamiento hidrológico de la microcuenca estudiada (NSE = 0,518; PBIAS = -5,012 y R2 = 0,664). Mientras que la modelación del transporte de sedimentos realizó una sobreestimación en la cuantificación de 1,334 ton/ha, cuando en campo se obtuvo 0,903 ton/ha; provocando porcentajes de error bastante altos en los meses evaluados (E ˃ 60 %). La modelación del transporte de nitrógeno presentó un comportamiento similar al real (R2 = 0,732) en la estación lluviosa; aunque no se consideró satisfactoria en la estación seca porque en SWAT no reporta presencia de nitrógeno por el mínimo de escorrentía y de flujos de caudal.
The availability of soil and water over time plays a preponderant role in human development and life quality. These resources are essential because they impact the socioeconomic synergy of coffee producers. Therefore, in this project, information gathering on soil and water resource indicators was conducted, using integral management through a micro-basin of the Pirrís River. Physical and chemical soil parameters were evaluated in two study parcels with silt fences in San Pedro, Tarrazú, to measure sediment quantity and quality, soil moisture content and determine the effect of water erosion in the creek. Also, water quality parameters (temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, and dissolved oxygen concentration) were evaluated at two points: upstream at the ASADA San Pedro water intake and downstream in Los Llanos community. Additionally, ion chromatography was used to evaluate fluoride, chloride, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate anions, as well as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and ammonium cations. The chemical analysis of soils showed high acidity levels and deficiencies in calcium, phosphorus, and zinc content, which are problems associated with soils dedicated to coffee cultivation with applications of nitrogen fertilizers. Higher concentrations of nutrients were observed in the sediment samples associated with the parcels soil, demonstrating nutritional supplies losses for the crops. Water quality monitoring showed an adequate behavior of the variables mentioned above, except for ammonium concentration, which exceeded the permitted limit of 0,5 mg/l, being the most critical parameter. According to the scale of the “Sistema Holandés”, the micro-basin has incipient contamination during the rainy season and moderate contamination in the dry season. SWAT was used for hydrological, sediment and nutrient modeling. It required climatic data provided by the IMN, a digital elevation model, land use and soil information prepared in geographic information systems (GIS). SWAT has proven to be a valuable tool for estimating the hydrological behavior of the studied micro-basin (NSE = 0,518; PBIAS = -5,012 and R2 = 0,664). The sediment transport modeling quantified 1,334 ton/ha, showing an overestimation if compared with the 0,903 ton/ha obtained in the field. This situation caused a relatively high error percentages in the months evaluated (E ˃ 60 %). The modeling of nitrogen transportation presented a similar behavior to the real one (R2 = 0,732) in the rainy season. However, it was not considered satisfactory in the dry season because SWAT does not report the presence of nitrogen due to the minimum runoff and flow rates at the outlet.
The availability of soil and water over time plays a preponderant role in human development and life quality. These resources are essential because they impact the socioeconomic synergy of coffee producers. Therefore, in this project, information gathering on soil and water resource indicators was conducted, using integral management through a micro-basin of the Pirrís River. Physical and chemical soil parameters were evaluated in two study parcels with silt fences in San Pedro, Tarrazú, to measure sediment quantity and quality, soil moisture content and determine the effect of water erosion in the creek. Also, water quality parameters (temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, and dissolved oxygen concentration) were evaluated at two points: upstream at the ASADA San Pedro water intake and downstream in Los Llanos community. Additionally, ion chromatography was used to evaluate fluoride, chloride, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate anions, as well as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and ammonium cations. The chemical analysis of soils showed high acidity levels and deficiencies in calcium, phosphorus, and zinc content, which are problems associated with soils dedicated to coffee cultivation with applications of nitrogen fertilizers. Higher concentrations of nutrients were observed in the sediment samples associated with the parcels soil, demonstrating nutritional supplies losses for the crops. Water quality monitoring showed an adequate behavior of the variables mentioned above, except for ammonium concentration, which exceeded the permitted limit of 0,5 mg/l, being the most critical parameter. According to the scale of the “Sistema Holandés”, the micro-basin has incipient contamination during the rainy season and moderate contamination in the dry season. SWAT was used for hydrological, sediment and nutrient modeling. It required climatic data provided by the IMN, a digital elevation model, land use and soil information prepared in geographic information systems (GIS). SWAT has proven to be a valuable tool for estimating the hydrological behavior of the studied micro-basin (NSE = 0,518; PBIAS = -5,012 and R2 = 0,664). The sediment transport modeling quantified 1,334 ton/ha, showing an overestimation if compared with the 0,903 ton/ha obtained in the field. This situation caused a relatively high error percentages in the months evaluated (E ˃ 60 %). The modeling of nitrogen transportation presented a similar behavior to the real one (R2 = 0,732) in the rainy season. However, it was not considered satisfactory in the dry season because SWAT does not report the presence of nitrogen due to the minimum runoff and flow rates at the outlet.
Palabras clave
Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), Modelación, Hidrología, Sedimentos, Nutrientes