Análisis del comportamiento del margen de intermediación financiero costarricense en el periodo 2010 - 2020
tesis de maestría
Gutiérrez Miranda, Daniela de los Ángeles
Umaña Mora, Esteban Alonso
Quirós Fonseca, Mauricio
Vargas Stewart, Darrell
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El presente trabajo de investigación pretende explicar el comportamiento del Margen de
Intermediación Financiero (MIF) a lo largo de la década del 2010-2021. El cálculo del MFI se
realizó con base en un método de descomposición en donde se estima el margen como la
sumatoria de los principales componentes financieros de cada entidad bancaria. El análisis de
descomposición financiera segregado por Banca Pública y Banca Privada permitió asociar de
manera puntual el impacto de las nuevas leyes, regulaciones y principales eventos económicos
sobre el comportamiento del margen de intermediación. Así mismo, se analizó el impacto de
la aparición de la pandemia del covid-19 la cual afectó no solo el desempeño de los portafolios
de crédito sino también diversos indicadores de rentabilidad que incidieron directamente en el
comportamiento del MFI. Finalmente, mediante análisis de regresión con datos de panel se
estimó la relación entre el comportamiento del MFI y variables macroeconómicas y de mercado
en donde se determinó que la mayor desconcentración de la plaza bancaria y el crecimiento de
la economía son aspectos esenciales para la disminución del margen.
This research work aims to explain the behavior of the Financial Intermediation Margin (MIF) throughout the 2010-2021 decade. The calculation of the MIF was made based on a decomposition method where the margin is estimated as the sum of the main financial components of each banking entity. The financial breakdown analysis segregated by Public Banking and Private Banking made it possible to associate in a timely manner the impact of the new laws, regulations and main economic events on the behavior of the intermediation margin. Likewise, the impact of the appearance of the covid-19 pandemic was analyzed, which affected not only the performance of credit portfolios but also various profitability indicators that directly affected the behavior of the MIF. Finally, through regression analysis with panel data, the relationship between the behavior of the MIF and macroeconomic and market variables was estimated, where it was determined that the greater deconcentration of the banking market and the growth of the economy are essential aspects for the reduction of the margin.
This research work aims to explain the behavior of the Financial Intermediation Margin (MIF) throughout the 2010-2021 decade. The calculation of the MIF was made based on a decomposition method where the margin is estimated as the sum of the main financial components of each banking entity. The financial breakdown analysis segregated by Public Banking and Private Banking made it possible to associate in a timely manner the impact of the new laws, regulations and main economic events on the behavior of the intermediation margin. Likewise, the impact of the appearance of the covid-19 pandemic was analyzed, which affected not only the performance of credit portfolios but also various profitability indicators that directly affected the behavior of the MIF. Finally, through regression analysis with panel data, the relationship between the behavior of the MIF and macroeconomic and market variables was estimated, where it was determined that the greater deconcentration of the banking market and the growth of the economy are essential aspects for the reduction of the margin.
Palabras clave
Economía, Margen de intermediación financiera, Sistema Bancario Nacional, Sistema bancario costarricense, Banca, Tasas de interés bancarias, Tasas de interés, Composición financiera