Implementación y evaluación de un circuito de control de temperatura en una secadora de flujo transversal
Rojas Barrantes, Sebastián
Vargas Elías, Guillermo Asdrúbal
Montero Villalobos, Anthony
Badilla Mena, Bryan J.
Murillo Jiménez, Daniel
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La época lluviosa predomina entre mayo y octubre en Costa Rica, por esa razón se
requiere secar artificialmente con aire caliente impulsado por un ventilador para el secado de
granos. El objetivo fue implementar un controlador de bajo costo para la eficacia del secado de
granos con aire caliente. Se utilizó un sensor de temperatura y humedad relativa de bajo costo
pero alta resolución, instalado a un microcontrolador para mantener la temperatura del aire
constante en 40 °C (set point). Se instaló un relé de estado sólido así como un algoritmo PID
para el encendido y apagado de las resistencias en forma amortiguada. Los componentes
instalados permitieron la estabilidad del sistema con una operación continua de cuatro días para
el secado de los granos de cacao hasta su humedad segura de almacenamiento.
In Costa Rica, the rainy season predominates between May to October, for that reason artificial drying with hot air driven by a fan is required to dry grains. The objective was to implement a low-cost controller for the efficiency of grain drying with hot air. A low cost but high resolution temperature and relative humidity sensor was used, installed on a microcontroller to keep the air temperature constant at 40 °C (set point). A solid-state relay was installed, as well as a PID algorithm for turning the resistors on and off in a buffered manner. The installed components allowed the stability of the system with a continuous operation of four days for the drying of the cocoa beans to their safe storage humidity.
In Costa Rica, the rainy season predominates between May to October, for that reason artificial drying with hot air driven by a fan is required to dry grains. The objective was to implement a low-cost controller for the efficiency of grain drying with hot air. A low cost but high resolution temperature and relative humidity sensor was used, installed on a microcontroller to keep the air temperature constant at 40 °C (set point). A solid-state relay was installed, as well as a PID algorithm for turning the resistors on and off in a buffered manner. The installed components allowed the stability of the system with a continuous operation of four days for the drying of the cocoa beans to their safe storage humidity.
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