Análisis morfológico de rugosidades palatinas en una población costarricense
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Fernández Chaves, José Manuel
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El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo establecer los patrones morfológicos presentes en las rugosidades
palatinas de una población costarricense mediante el método de Trobo y efectuar un análisis estadístico con
las variables de sexo, edad y afinidad biológica.
Se eligiron al azar 70 pacientes a los que se realizaron impresiones y modelos dentales superiores, se
documentó el sexo, edad y afinidad biológica de cada uno, junto con el consentimiento informado.
Se analizó estadísticamente la distribución de patrones de género, edad y afinidad biológica. Las técnicas
para el análisis de la información fueron las distribuciones de frecuencia, cruce de variables, comparación
de medias con base en el análisis de variancia, coeficiente de correlación de Spearman; pruebas de Chi
cuadrado, para evaluar la independencia entre las características de edad y sexo. Estas pruebas señalan un
predominio de tipos de rugas palatinas rectas y de tipo simples tanto en la población masculina como
femenina, sin encontrarse variación en el número de rugas asociadas a sexo o afinidad biológica; pero sí se
determinó diferencia por grupo de edad, disminuyen en número conforme se incrementa la edad. Por otra
parte no se presentó dimorfismo por sexo, lateralidad ni posición.
The present study aimed to establish the morphological patterns present in the palatal rugae in a Costa Rican population by means of the Trobo method and to carry out a statistical analysis with the variables of sex, age and biological affinity. Seventy patients were randomly chosen to whom impressions and superior dental models were made, the sex, age and biological affinity of each one was documented, together with the informed consent. The distribution of gender, age and biological affinity patterns was statistically analyzed. The techniques for the analysis of the information were the frequency distributions, crossing of variables, comparison of means based on the analysis of variance, Spearman's correlation coefficient; Chi square tests, to evaluate the independence between the characteristics of age and sex. These tests indicate a predominance of straight and simple types of palatal rugae in both the male and female population, with no variation in the number of rugae associated with sex or biological affinity; but a difference was determined by age group, they decrease in number as age increases. On the other hand, there was no dimorphism due to sex, laterality or position.
The present study aimed to establish the morphological patterns present in the palatal rugae in a Costa Rican population by means of the Trobo method and to carry out a statistical analysis with the variables of sex, age and biological affinity. Seventy patients were randomly chosen to whom impressions and superior dental models were made, the sex, age and biological affinity of each one was documented, together with the informed consent. The distribution of gender, age and biological affinity patterns was statistically analyzed. The techniques for the analysis of the information were the frequency distributions, crossing of variables, comparison of means based on the analysis of variance, Spearman's correlation coefficient; Chi square tests, to evaluate the independence between the characteristics of age and sex. These tests indicate a predominance of straight and simple types of palatal rugae in both the male and female population, with no variation in the number of rugae associated with sex or biological affinity; but a difference was determined by age group, they decrease in number as age increases. On the other hand, there was no dimorphism due to sex, laterality or position.
Palabras clave
Rugosidades palatinas, rugoscopia, identificación