Análisis de elementos de seguridad vial en proyectos de conservación de la red vial nacional pavimentada
informe técnico
Salas Chaves, Mauricio
Rodríguez Morera, José David
Solórzano Murillo, Sandra
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Laboratorio Nacional de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales (LanammeUCR)
El objetivo de la realización de las auditorías técnicas externas por parte de LanammeUCR es brindar un conjunto de hallazgos y observaciones, desde una perspectiva constructiva, que sean una herramienta útil para la Administración en la implementación de mejoras necesarias. Asimismo, proporcionar un aporte para optimizar los procesos relativos a la gestión de la infraestructura vial en nuestro país.
En el presente informe se muestran debilidades en cuanto a la seguridad vial, tanto en la condición de la vía, como en situaciones originadas durante las obras de conservación vial de la Licitación Pública N°2009LN-000003-CV.
Se describen hallazgos detectados en las Zonas Huetar Atlántica, Brunca, Chorotega, Central y Pacífico Central, encontrados en las giras realizadas entre los meses de enero y febrero del presente año. En estas giras se observaron deficiencias en la señalización preventiva de deslizamientos, ausencia de demarcación de las rutas intervenidas con sobrecapas, construcción de cunetas profundas así como incumplimientos en los dispositivos de control temporal de tránsito en los frentes de obra.
La intención de esta Auditoría es evidenciar oportunamente las situaciones que ponen en riesgo la integridad tanto de los usuarios como de los trabajadores de los frentes de obra de conservación vial, para que se realicen las correcciones necesarias en este sentido.
The objective of carrying out external technical audits by LanammeUCR is to provide a set of findings and observations, from a constructive perspective, that are a useful tool for the Administration in the implementation of necessary improvements. Also, provide a contribution to optimize the processes related to the management of road infrastructure in our country. This report shows weaknesses in terms of road safety, both in the condition of the road, and in situations arising during road maintenance works of the Public Tender No. 2009LN-000003-CV. Described findings are described in the Huetar Atlantic, Brunca, Chorotega, Central and Central Pacific Zones, found in the tours made between the months of January and February of this year. In these tours deficiencies were observed in the preventive signage of landslides, absence of demarcation of the routes intervened with overlays, construction of deep gutters as well as non-compliances in the temporary traffic control devices in the work fronts. The intention of this Audit is to provide timely evidence of situations that put at risk the integrity of both the users as well as the road maintenance work fronts workers, so that the necessary corrections are made in this sense.
The objective of carrying out external technical audits by LanammeUCR is to provide a set of findings and observations, from a constructive perspective, that are a useful tool for the Administration in the implementation of necessary improvements. Also, provide a contribution to optimize the processes related to the management of road infrastructure in our country. This report shows weaknesses in terms of road safety, both in the condition of the road, and in situations arising during road maintenance works of the Public Tender No. 2009LN-000003-CV. Described findings are described in the Huetar Atlantic, Brunca, Chorotega, Central and Central Pacific Zones, found in the tours made between the months of January and February of this year. In these tours deficiencies were observed in the preventive signage of landslides, absence of demarcation of the routes intervened with overlays, construction of deep gutters as well as non-compliances in the temporary traffic control devices in the work fronts. The intention of this Audit is to provide timely evidence of situations that put at risk the integrity of both the users as well as the road maintenance work fronts workers, so that the necessary corrections are made in this sense.
Palabras clave
deslizamiento, señalización, Dispositivos de Control de Tránsito, demarcación vial, sliding, signage, Traffic Control Devices, demarcation