Análisis Bibliométrico a la Revista Electrónica “Actualidades Investigativas en Educación
Vargas Bolaños, Rebecca
Madrigal Vargas, Yorlenny
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Este proyecto tuvo como objetivo general desarrollar un estudio bibliométrico del uso de las fuentes de información en los artículos presentados a la Revista Electrónica Actualidades Investigativas en Educación del INIE, del año 2001 al 2005, para determinar el impacto que obtienen los diferentes indicadores bibliométricos como autores, instituciones, países, antigüedad, idioma y tipología documental. El aporte de este estudio sobre el uso de información en los artículos de la revista electrónica, busca mostrar qué fuentes de información utilizan l@s autor@s-investigador@s en este periodo. La base del estudio son las referencias bibliográficas contenidas en éstos. A este estudio se le da un enfoque cuantitativo porque aplica técnicas bibliométricas que permiten por medio de la estadística describir las preferencias y necesidades de los autores e investigadores en el uso de la información para producir sus artículos científicos. Como resultados más significativos se identificó que las fuentes de información más utilizadas fueron monografías con un grado de envejecimiento de 9 años, escritos en español y producidos en el país. Se identificó un grado moderado de endogenismo, indicador que no se analizó profundamente en este estudio.
Se indican las siguientes conclusiones:
• La revista electrónica inicialmente no contaba con políticas de presentación normalizadas internacionalmente, por lo que las referencias fueron elaboradas de forma libre por parte de los autores.
• Los autores tuvieron dificultades para elaborar las referencias bibliográficas en los primeros años de
edición. No seguían ningún modelo y tampoco las instrucciones dada por el Comité Editorial. A partir
del 2004 se elaboró un instrumento para guiar a los autores en la elaboración de las referencias, sin
embargo se han encontrado problemas de ajuste con algunas citas.
• Hubo un total de 2.167 citas en los 108 artículos analizados.
• Alguna de la documentación utilizada por los autores y las autoras data de hasta un siglo atrás, esto
tiene fundamento porque es información histórica y de base para elaborar los artículos, de acuerdo con
el tema abordado en los mismos. La edad promedio de la bibliografía utilizada es de 9 años, la cual se
encuentra dentro de lo aceptado por los parámetros para las ciencias sociales.
• La mayoría de los autores utilizan información en su lengua materna. Esto está relacionado con una
preferencia hacia la lectura en su propia lengua que en un idioma foráneo, o bien, que tienen dificultades
para la lectura en otros idiomas.
• Se utiliza una mayor cantidad de libros, que otro tipo de documentos, siendo en la comunidad científica
las publicaciones periódicas el medio más inmediato para la divulgación del conocimiento. Sin embargo
este es un comportamiento generalizado en las ciencias sociales.
• Utilizan “et al.” para referirse a otros colaboradores, invisibilizando a los coautores del material, por lo
que no se refleja una verdadera producción científica. Esta indicación la hacen debido a los diferentes
modelos existentes para elaborar referencias bibliográficas. A partir de esta investigación se ha solicitado
en el instrumento que indiquen todos los nombres de los autores de los materiales utilizados.
• La producción nacional y específicamente de la UCR y MEP fue la más utilizada, lo que refleja un
ámbito local muy fuerte, esto debido a la especialidad de la revista, a la formación de los autores y al
contexto local. Sin embargo podría ser beneficioso para las futuras contribuciones tomar en cuenta
producción externa para realizar estudios comparativos, o con visiones más amplias.
ABSTRACT: The general objective of this project was to develop a bibliometric study of the use of bibliography in articles submitted to the Electronic Journal "Actualidades Investigativas en Educación" of the INIE form 2001 to 2005 in order to determine the impact from different bibliometric indicators such as authors, institutions, countries, age, language and document type. The contribution of this study on the use of information in the articles of the electronic magazines seeks to show which sources of information are used by authors-researchers in said period. The basis of the study are the bibliographical references contained in these. This study uses a quantitative approach because it applies bibliometric techniques that through statistics allow to describe the preferences and needs of authors and researchers in the use of information to produce their scientific articles. As more significant results, it was identified that the most used sources of information were monographs with a 9-year aging degree written in Spanish and produced in the country. A moderate endogenous degree was identified, which was an indicator that was not thoroughly analyzed in this study. The following conclusions are mentioned: • The electronic journal initially did not have internationally standardized presentation policies, so the references were done freely by the authors. • Authors had difficulties preparing the bibliographical references in the first years of editing. They did not follow any model nor the instructions given by the Editorial Committee. Starting in 2004, an instrument was elaborated to guide authors to create their references; however, there have been some citation problems. • A total of 2.167 citations in the 108 articles analyzed. • Some of the documentation used by authors dates back to a century ago. This has a basis since it is historical information and can be used to write articles according to the topic addressed in them. The average age of the literature used is 9 years, which is within the parameters accepted by Social Sciences. • The majority of authors relied on information in their mother tongue. This is related with a preference for literature in their own language rather than a foreign language or who have difficulties reading in other languages. • A greater amount of books than other documents are used. Periodical publications are the most immediate source for dissemination of knowledge in the scientific community. However, this is a widespread behavior in Social Sciences. • The use of “et al.” to refer to other collaborators which renders invisible co-authors, therefore it does not reflect a true scientific publication. This indication is made because of the different existing models for producing bibliographical references. From this research, it has been requested in the instrument that all authors of the material cited be mentioned. • The national production and specifically of the UCR and MEP was the most used, which reflects a very strong local environment, due to the focus of the magazine, the authors' training and the local context. However, it might be beneficial for future contributions to take external production into account for comparative studies, or with broader visions. Includes recommendations.
ABSTRACT: The general objective of this project was to develop a bibliometric study of the use of bibliography in articles submitted to the Electronic Journal "Actualidades Investigativas en Educación" of the INIE form 2001 to 2005 in order to determine the impact from different bibliometric indicators such as authors, institutions, countries, age, language and document type. The contribution of this study on the use of information in the articles of the electronic magazines seeks to show which sources of information are used by authors-researchers in said period. The basis of the study are the bibliographical references contained in these. This study uses a quantitative approach because it applies bibliometric techniques that through statistics allow to describe the preferences and needs of authors and researchers in the use of information to produce their scientific articles. As more significant results, it was identified that the most used sources of information were monographs with a 9-year aging degree written in Spanish and produced in the country. A moderate endogenous degree was identified, which was an indicator that was not thoroughly analyzed in this study. The following conclusions are mentioned: • The electronic journal initially did not have internationally standardized presentation policies, so the references were done freely by the authors. • Authors had difficulties preparing the bibliographical references in the first years of editing. They did not follow any model nor the instructions given by the Editorial Committee. Starting in 2004, an instrument was elaborated to guide authors to create their references; however, there have been some citation problems. • A total of 2.167 citations in the 108 articles analyzed. • Some of the documentation used by authors dates back to a century ago. This has a basis since it is historical information and can be used to write articles according to the topic addressed in them. The average age of the literature used is 9 years, which is within the parameters accepted by Social Sciences. • The majority of authors relied on information in their mother tongue. This is related with a preference for literature in their own language rather than a foreign language or who have difficulties reading in other languages. • A greater amount of books than other documents are used. Periodical publications are the most immediate source for dissemination of knowledge in the scientific community. However, this is a widespread behavior in Social Sciences. • The use of “et al.” to refer to other collaborators which renders invisible co-authors, therefore it does not reflect a true scientific publication. This indication is made because of the different existing models for producing bibliographical references. From this research, it has been requested in the instrument that all authors of the material cited be mentioned. • The national production and specifically of the UCR and MEP was the most used, which reflects a very strong local environment, due to the focus of the magazine, the authors' training and the local context. However, it might be beneficial for future contributions to take external production into account for comparative studies, or with broader visions. Includes recommendations.
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