Estratigrafía y petrografía de las rocas ígneas en el sector superior de la cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica
Alfaro Gálvez, Aristides
Denyer Chavarría, Percy
Alvarado Induni, Guillermo E.
Gazel Dondi, Esteban
Chamorro Obregón, Carlos Andrés
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En la cordillera de Talamanca los productos del magmatismo se encuentran ampliamente distribuidos, y co-rresponden con episodios intrusivos y extrusivos del Neógeno y del Cuaternario. En general es posible reconocer tres fases magmáticas: 1) vulcanismo anterior al Mioceno Superior, de unos 17 a 11 millones de años atrás; 2) plutonismo durante el Mioceno Medio-Superior, entre 12,5 y 7,5 millones de años, conocido como Grupo Intrusivo de Talamanca o Granito-Gabro de Talamanca; 3) pulsos magmáticos post-intrusivos del Neógeno al Cuaternario, cuyo rango temporal se extiende entre 5 y 2 millones de años. Por primera vez se propone una diferenciación del magmatismo post-intrusivo en tres unidades, separables por aspectos petrográficos: a) Unidad Kámuk, constituida por andesitas con plagioclasa de tipo labradorita y ocasionalmente con ortopiroxeno; b) Unidad Dúrika, definida por plagioclasa de tipo andesina y biotita como fenocristal ferromagnesiano predominante; c) Unidad Río Lori, cuyos productos no fueron recolectados, pero con base en trabajos previos se caracteriza por la presencia de cuarzo, anfíbol y biotita. Se realiza además una contribución a la cartografía geológica de la cordillera de Talamanca, con una descripción geológica de las cimas de Cuericí, Ena, Dúrika, Utyum, Kámuk, fila Pittier y Echandi. También se presentan nuevos datos sobre la geología del cerro Chirripó.
In the Talamanca Cordillera, the widespread magmatic products record Neogene and Quaternary intrusive and extrusive phases. Generally, it is possible to recognize three magmatic stages: 1) Volcanic series older than Upper Miocene, ranging from ~17 to 11 mya; 2) Plutonic events during the Middle-Upper Miocene, between 12,5 and 7,5 mya, known as Talamanca Intrusive Group or Granite-Gabbro Series of Talamanca; c) Post-intrusive magmatic pulses from Neogene-Quaternary, whose temporal range extends from ~5 to 2 mya. For the first time it is proposed here a differentiation of post-intrusive magmas into three units by petrographic criteria: a) Kamuk Unit, andesites with labradorite-type plagioclase and occasional orthopyroxene. b) Durika Unit, defined by andesine-type plagioclase and the presence of biotite phenocrysts as the predominant ferromagnesian phase. c) Rio Lori Unit, whose products were not sampled in this study, but based in previous work they are characterized by the presence of quartz, amphibole and biotite phenocrysts. Additionally, we provide a new contribution to the geologic cartography of the Talamanca Cordi-llera, with a geological description of the summits of Cuerici, Ena, Durika, Utyum, Kamuk, fila Pittier and Echandi. We also present new data referring to the geology of the summit of Chirripo.
In the Talamanca Cordillera, the widespread magmatic products record Neogene and Quaternary intrusive and extrusive phases. Generally, it is possible to recognize three magmatic stages: 1) Volcanic series older than Upper Miocene, ranging from ~17 to 11 mya; 2) Plutonic events during the Middle-Upper Miocene, between 12,5 and 7,5 mya, known as Talamanca Intrusive Group or Granite-Gabbro Series of Talamanca; c) Post-intrusive magmatic pulses from Neogene-Quaternary, whose temporal range extends from ~5 to 2 mya. For the first time it is proposed here a differentiation of post-intrusive magmas into three units by petrographic criteria: a) Kamuk Unit, andesites with labradorite-type plagioclase and occasional orthopyroxene. b) Durika Unit, defined by andesine-type plagioclase and the presence of biotite phenocrysts as the predominant ferromagnesian phase. c) Rio Lori Unit, whose products were not sampled in this study, but based in previous work they are characterized by the presence of quartz, amphibole and biotite phenocrysts. Additionally, we provide a new contribution to the geologic cartography of the Talamanca Cordi-llera, with a geological description of the summits of Cuerici, Ena, Durika, Utyum, Kamuk, fila Pittier and Echandi. We also present new data referring to the geology of the summit of Chirripo.
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