Material didáctico: construcción de conceptos geométricos en maestros de escuela primaria.
Peralta Monge, Teresita
Murillo Chaves, Mario
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Este libro da a conocer los resultados del proyecto de investigación “Conceptos geométricos en maestros de escuela primaria, el cual atendió el propósito de conocer los significados construidos por los maestros y las maestras, para conceptos geométricos contenidos en los programas de matemáticas en la escuela primaria. El material didáctico se diseñó para apoyar procesos de formación en Geometría de los futuros docentes de escuela primaria y procesos de formación continua de capacitación de maestros y maestras en ejercicio, razón por la que se dirige al docente de escuela primaria y al estudiante universitario de la carrera de enseñanza primaria, para fortalecer su formación matemática en el área de Geometría. Se organiza en los cinco módulos siguientes: Construcciones geométricas básicas. Análisis de los paralelogramos a partir de su construcción. Construcción de relaciones entre polígonos. Relaciones de congruencia y semejanza. Áreas. El primer módulo tiene como propósito desarrollar destrezas en construcciones que son básicas para el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la Geometría en la escuela primaria, a la vez que hace uso de la construcción geométrica como un medio para la construcción de conceptos y relaciones geométricas. El segundo módulo hace uso de la transformación en la construcción geométrica, para el análisis de los diferentes paralelogramos, a partir de las características comunes que presentan los diferentes polígonos y las características que los diferencian. El tercer módulo se dirige a la construcción de relaciones geométricas entre polígonos. Por medio de la construcción geométrica, pretende facilitar el abordaje de las definiciones de los diferentes polígonos, a partir de las características comunes que relacionan a los diferentes conjuntos de polígonos, en una secuencia que considera cada polígono, en su relación con el conjunto de polígonos que lo incluye. El cuarto módulo inicia con el abordaje de los conceptos de congruencia entre segmentos, congruencia entre ángulos y proporcionalidad entre medidas de segmentos. En este módulo por medio de la construcción geométrica, se incursiona en una forma intuitiva en las relaciones de congruencia y semejanza entre los triángulos. El quinto módulo incursiona en estrategias para el cálculo de áreas de polígonos irregulares, convexos y cóncavos. Los resultados de la investigación que sustenta este material didáctico, definieron en la mayoría de los maestros y las maestras, una ausencia de estrategias para el cálculo de áreas de polígonos para los que no se tienen fórmulas definidas, como es el caso de los polígonos regulares, los paralelogramos y los triángulos. Además de esta carencia, los maestros y las maestras manifestaron su necesidad de profundizar en la construcción de fórmulas conocidas y aplicadas por ellos para el cálculo de áreas, pero sin conocer en la mayoría de los casos su significado, como es el caso del triángulo, rombo y trapecio, entre otros, razón por la que se incluye esta construcción.
ABSTRACT: This book discloses the results of the research project "Geometric concepts in primary school teachers, which served the purpose of knowing the meanings constructed by teachers, for geometric concepts contained in mathematics programs in primary school. . The didactic material was expanded to support training processes in Geometry for future primary school teachers and ongoing training processes for teachers in practice, which is why it is addressed to primary school teachers and university students of the primary education career, to strengthen their mathematical training in the area of Geometry. It is organized into the following five modules: Basic geometric constructions. Analysis of parallelograms from their construction. Construction of relationships between polygons. Relations of congruence and similarity. Areas. The purpose of the first module is to develop skills in constructions that are basic for the teaching-learning process of Geometry in primary school, while making use of geometric construction as a mean for the construction of geometric concepts and relationships. The second module makes use of the transformation in the geometric construction, for the analysis of the different parallelograms, based on the common characteristics that the different polygons present and the characteristics that differentiate them. The third module addresses the construction of geometric relationships between polygons. Relations of congruence and similarity. Areas. The purpose of the first module is to develop skills in constructions that are basic for the teaching-learning process of Geometry in primary school, while making use of geometric construction as a means for the construction of geometric concepts and relationships. The second module makes use of the transformation in the geometric construction, for the analysis of the different parallelograms, based on the common characteristics that the different polygons present and the characteristics that differentiate them. The third module addresses the construction of geometric relationships between polygons. Through geometric construction, it aims to facilitate the approach to the definitions of the different polygons, based on the common characteristics that relate the different sets of polygons, in a sequence that considers each polygon, in its relationship with the set of polygons. which includes it. The fourth module begins with the approach to the concepts of congruence between segments, congruence between angles and proportionality between measurements of segments. In this module, by means of geometric construction, the congruence and similarity relationships between triangles are explored in an intuitive way. The fifth module explores strategies for calculating areas of irregular, convex, and concave polygons. The results of the research that supports this didactic material, defined in the majority of the teachers, an absence of strategies for the calculation of areas of polygons for which there are no defined formulas, as is the case of regular polygons. , parallelograms and triangles. In addition to this lack, the teachers expressed their need to deepen the construction of formulas known and applied by them to calculate areas, but without knowing their meaning in most cases, as is the case of the triangle, rhombus and trapezoid, among others, which is why this construction is included.
ABSTRACT: This book discloses the results of the research project "Geometric concepts in primary school teachers, which served the purpose of knowing the meanings constructed by teachers, for geometric concepts contained in mathematics programs in primary school. . The didactic material was expanded to support training processes in Geometry for future primary school teachers and ongoing training processes for teachers in practice, which is why it is addressed to primary school teachers and university students of the primary education career, to strengthen their mathematical training in the area of Geometry. It is organized into the following five modules: Basic geometric constructions. Analysis of parallelograms from their construction. Construction of relationships between polygons. Relations of congruence and similarity. Areas. The purpose of the first module is to develop skills in constructions that are basic for the teaching-learning process of Geometry in primary school, while making use of geometric construction as a mean for the construction of geometric concepts and relationships. The second module makes use of the transformation in the geometric construction, for the analysis of the different parallelograms, based on the common characteristics that the different polygons present and the characteristics that differentiate them. The third module addresses the construction of geometric relationships between polygons. Relations of congruence and similarity. Areas. The purpose of the first module is to develop skills in constructions that are basic for the teaching-learning process of Geometry in primary school, while making use of geometric construction as a means for the construction of geometric concepts and relationships. The second module makes use of the transformation in the geometric construction, for the analysis of the different parallelograms, based on the common characteristics that the different polygons present and the characteristics that differentiate them. The third module addresses the construction of geometric relationships between polygons. Through geometric construction, it aims to facilitate the approach to the definitions of the different polygons, based on the common characteristics that relate the different sets of polygons, in a sequence that considers each polygon, in its relationship with the set of polygons. which includes it. The fourth module begins with the approach to the concepts of congruence between segments, congruence between angles and proportionality between measurements of segments. In this module, by means of geometric construction, the congruence and similarity relationships between triangles are explored in an intuitive way. The fifth module explores strategies for calculating areas of irregular, convex, and concave polygons. The results of the research that supports this didactic material, defined in the majority of the teachers, an absence of strategies for the calculation of areas of polygons for which there are no defined formulas, as is the case of regular polygons. , parallelograms and triangles. In addition to this lack, the teachers expressed their need to deepen the construction of formulas known and applied by them to calculate areas, but without knowing their meaning in most cases, as is the case of the triangle, rhombus and trapezoid, among others, which is why this construction is included.