Combate químico de navajuela (Scleria melaleuca Rchb.f.ex.Schltdl.Cham.) en una pastura de zacate natural (Paspalum conjugatum) en Guápiles, Pococí
Herrera Murillo, Franklin
Hernández Chaves, Moisés
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Universidad de Costa Rica
En la Estación Experimental Los Diamantes, Guápiles, Pococí, durante la estación seca y la estación lluviosa de 1999 se realizaron dos experimentos en los que se evaluó el grado de toxicidad causado por veinte tratamientos, que incluyeron diferentes combinaciones de herbicidas con acción contra ciperáceas, sobre la navajuela (Scleria melaleuca Rchb.f.ex.Schltdl.Cham) en estado de floración. El único tratamiento que causó daños severos a la navajuela fue la mezcla de los herbicidas paraquat + diurón (Gramurón X). Esta mezcla de herbicidas también daño la pastura natural, por lo que las aplicaciones deben ser dirigidas a la cepa de navajuela. Los herbicidas hormonales y sulfonilureas en las dosis evaluadas no fueron eficaces para combatir la navajuela en el estado de desarrollo indicado.
Two trials were conducted, at the Los Diamantes Experiment Station in Guapiles, Pococi –Costa Rica, to chemically control ‘navajuela’ (Scleria melaleuca Rchb.f.ex.Schltdl. Cham.), during the dry and rainy seasons of 1.999. The toxicity degree was evaluated on 20 treatments, including different mixtures of Cyperous controlling herbicides, on navajuela in its blooming stage. The only treatment which caused severe damage to navajuela was the mixture of paraquat + Diuron (Gramuron X). The mixture also affected the natural pasture; therefore, the application must be directed to the navajuela stub. The hormonal and sulfonilurea’s herbicides, in the evaluated doses, were not effective in controlling navajuela in the indicated stage.
Two trials were conducted, at the Los Diamantes Experiment Station in Guapiles, Pococi –Costa Rica, to chemically control ‘navajuela’ (Scleria melaleuca Rchb.f.ex.Schltdl. Cham.), during the dry and rainy seasons of 1.999. The toxicity degree was evaluated on 20 treatments, including different mixtures of Cyperous controlling herbicides, on navajuela in its blooming stage. The only treatment which caused severe damage to navajuela was the mixture of paraquat + Diuron (Gramuron X). The mixture also affected the natural pasture; therefore, the application must be directed to the navajuela stub. The hormonal and sulfonilurea’s herbicides, in the evaluated doses, were not effective in controlling navajuela in the indicated stage.