Valorización de residuos de parafinas provenientes de la pirólisis de plásticos por craqueo catalítico
Solís Herrera, José Ignacio
Miranda Morales, Bárbara Cristina
Davis Barquero, Alexander
Jiménez Rivera, German
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En esta investigación se estudió el efecto del tipo de catalizador, la temperatura de reacción y la relación
másica catalizador/parafinas en la conversión de parafinas provenientes de residuos de pirólisis de plásticos, a través de craqueo catalítico. Se seleccionaron como catalizadores la Zeolita Y y la Zeolita ZSM-5, las relaciones másicas catalizador/parafina de 0.4:1 y 0.20:1, y las temperaturas de reacción de 400˚C y 440˚C. La reacción de craqueo de las parafinas se llevó a cabo en un reactor de lecho fijo. Por medio de análisis estadístico se determinó que el tipo de catalizador presenta el efecto más significativo al obtener un rendimiento promedio de 27.43% utilizando la Zeolita ZSM-5, en contraste con la Zeolita Y se obtuvo un 13.10%. Se determinó que se obtiene 1.2% más de rendimiento al utilizar la temperatura de 400˚C respecto a la de 440°C. La relación másica catalizador/parafina no afecta de manera significativa el rendimiento. Según los análisis por cromatografía de gases, se esperaría que de este producto líquido obtenido se puedan obtener productos similares al diésel, combustible de aviación Jet A-1 y gasolina regular.
In this research it was studied the effect of the type of catalyst, the reaction temperature and the catalyst/ paraffins weight ratio in the transformation of paraffins waste obtained from the pyrolysis of plastics by catalytic cracking. It was chosen the Zeolite Y and Zeolite ZSM-5 as catalysts, the catalyst/paraffin weight ratios of 0.4:1 and 0.20:1 and the reaction temperatures of 400˚C and 440˚C. The catalytic cracking reaction of the paraffins was carried out in a fixed bed reactor. By the statistical analysis it was determined that the type of catalyst has the most outstanding effect, thus with the Zeolite ZSM-5 an average yield of 27.43% was reached. In contrast, with the Zeolite Y was obtained a 13.10%. In addition, it was found that the yield increased by 1.2% when a temperature of 400 ° C was used compared to 440°C. The catalyst/paraffin weight ratio does not significantly affect the yield. According to the analyzes performed by gas chromatography to the liquid reaction products, it would be expected that through this process products like diesel, Jet A-1 aviation fuel and gasoline could be obtained.
In this research it was studied the effect of the type of catalyst, the reaction temperature and the catalyst/ paraffins weight ratio in the transformation of paraffins waste obtained from the pyrolysis of plastics by catalytic cracking. It was chosen the Zeolite Y and Zeolite ZSM-5 as catalysts, the catalyst/paraffin weight ratios of 0.4:1 and 0.20:1 and the reaction temperatures of 400˚C and 440˚C. The catalytic cracking reaction of the paraffins was carried out in a fixed bed reactor. By the statistical analysis it was determined that the type of catalyst has the most outstanding effect, thus with the Zeolite ZSM-5 an average yield of 27.43% was reached. In contrast, with the Zeolite Y was obtained a 13.10%. In addition, it was found that the yield increased by 1.2% when a temperature of 400 ° C was used compared to 440°C. The catalyst/paraffin weight ratio does not significantly affect the yield. According to the analyzes performed by gas chromatography to the liquid reaction products, it would be expected that through this process products like diesel, Jet A-1 aviation fuel and gasoline could be obtained.