Arte público en la Sede del Atlántico, Universidad de Costa Rica (2014-2017)
Bonilla Elizondo, Pablo Antonio
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Este artículo presenta un conjunto de proyectos de arte público realizadas en la Sede Universitaria del Atlántico, en Turrialba, desde la implementación de la carrera de Diseño Gráfico en dicho recinto. Los proyectos efectuados han transformado el espacio llenándolo de color y sentido, además, han puesto en escena los principales íconos de la cultura nacional y turrialbeña. Los proyectos también han permitido problematizar el presente de la comunidad. De esa forma, se ha logrado hacer un homenaje y rescate de la cultura e identidad local a través de una mirada crítica del presente. Además, en este artículo se exploran los conceptos de Arte público: nuevo género y el Derecho a la Ciudad como marco para fundamentar las intervenciones. Ambas nociones permiten reflexionar sobre la presencia de arte público en los campus, recintos o sedes universitarias en el marco de la formación humanista.
This paper presents a set of public art projects carried out in the University of Costa Rica’s Sede del Atlántico, in the city of Turrialba, since the implementation of the Graphic Design major in that place. The projects carried out have transformed the space filling it with color and meaning. They have also staged the main icons of both national culture and the culture of Turrialba’s inhabitants. Furthermore, the projects have allowed to problematize the present of the community. In this way, a tribute to and a rescue of the local culture and identity have been achieved through a critical view of the present. In addition, this paper considers the concepts of New Genre Public Art and the Right to the City as background for the interventions, for this ideas allow to reflect on the presence of public art in the university venues in the framework of humanist education.
This paper presents a set of public art projects carried out in the University of Costa Rica’s Sede del Atlántico, in the city of Turrialba, since the implementation of the Graphic Design major in that place. The projects carried out have transformed the space filling it with color and meaning. They have also staged the main icons of both national culture and the culture of Turrialba’s inhabitants. Furthermore, the projects have allowed to problematize the present of the community. In this way, a tribute to and a rescue of the local culture and identity have been achieved through a critical view of the present. In addition, this paper considers the concepts of New Genre Public Art and the Right to the City as background for the interventions, for this ideas allow to reflect on the presence of public art in the university venues in the framework of humanist education.