Actualización y visibilización de los servicios y productos de la Unidad de Información y Referencia del INIE.
Barquero Cerdas, Martha
Vargas Bolaños, Rebecca
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La Unidad de Información y Referencia (UIR) del Instituto de Investigación en Educación (INIE) pretende convertirse en un recurso estratégico para el desarrollo del área educativa en el país, ofreciendo servicios y productos de calidad para satisfacer las necesidades de información de los usuarios que los necesitan. Por esta razón, el informe de la actividad de investigación que se presenta se realizó con el propósito de divulgar y visibilizar los servicios y productos que la Unidad ofrece. Así pues, estos fueron revisados, se actualizaron las bases de datos, se diseñó material publicitario que se entregó en visitas a instituciones vinculadas con el área educativa; también se actualizaron documentos de trabajo que se utilizan en la unidad, para el procesamiento de la información. Dado lo anterior, el resultado de las visitas realizadas fue muy provechoso para la UIR, ya que se hicieron visibles tanto los servicios, como los productos. Se evidencia que existió una retroalimentación de información entre las instituciones visitadas ya que nos brindaron información relativa a los servicios y productos que ofrecen a los usuarios, quedando de manifiesto la disponibilidad para compartir la información en beneficio de los usuarios interesados en investigar temas relacionados con la educación.
ABSTRACT: The Information and Reference Unit (UIR for its acronym in Spanish) from the Research Institute in Education (INIE) aims to become a strategic resource for the development in the field of education in the country by offering quality services and products to meet the information needs of those users who require it. For this reason, the report of the research task was carried out with the purpose of putting forth and disseminating the services and products that the Unit offers. Thus, the aforementioned were revised; the databases were updated; advertising material was designed which was given during trips to institutions linked to the field of education. Papers used in the Unit were also updated for the processing of information. Having done that, the result of the trips was very beneficial for the UIR as both services and products became visible. It is evident that there was information feedback with the institutions visited as they provided us with information regarding the services and products they offer to the users, demonstrating the availability to share the information for the benefit of users interested in investigating issues related to education.
ABSTRACT: The Information and Reference Unit (UIR for its acronym in Spanish) from the Research Institute in Education (INIE) aims to become a strategic resource for the development in the field of education in the country by offering quality services and products to meet the information needs of those users who require it. For this reason, the report of the research task was carried out with the purpose of putting forth and disseminating the services and products that the Unit offers. Thus, the aforementioned were revised; the databases were updated; advertising material was designed which was given during trips to institutions linked to the field of education. Papers used in the Unit were also updated for the processing of information. Having done that, the result of the trips was very beneficial for the UIR as both services and products became visible. It is evident that there was information feedback with the institutions visited as they provided us with information regarding the services and products they offer to the users, demonstrating the availability to share the information for the benefit of users interested in investigating issues related to education.
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