An in vivo model to study the anti-malaric capacity oC plant extracts



artículo original


Chinchilla Carmona, Misael
Guerrero Bermúdez, Olga Marta
Abarca, Gabriela
Barrios, Mario
Castro, Oscar

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Universidad de Costa Rica



An in vivo model to study lhe antimalarie ctfeet 01' plant extraets is described. White mi ce (25-30g body weight) are lreated subeutaneously with 0.6ml of the diluted extraet stUlling seven days before P. ber¡:heí infeetion: trealmenl eontinlles lIntil death or for 30 days. Simultaneously 0.2ml of the extraet are applied per os stming three days befare infection. In a test 01' the model, treated and non-treated animals differed in body weight, survival time, haematocrite, parnsitemia development, and spleen or liver weight of recent dcad 01' killed mice.
An in vivo model to study lhe antimalarie ctfeet 01' plant extraets is described. White mi ce (25-30g body weight) are lreated subeutaneously with 0.6ml of the diluted extraet stUlling seven days before P. ber¡:heí infeetion: trealmenl eontinlles lIntil death or for 30 days. Simultaneously 0.2ml of the extraet are applied per os stming three days befare infection. In a test 01' the model, treated and non-treated animals differed in body weight, survival time, haematocrite, parnsitemia development, and spleen or liver weight of recent dcad 01' killed mice.

Palabras clave

malaria, plasmodium berghei, treatment, plants