Atacama: el desierto salitroso como tema literario en Hernán Rivera Letelier
Piña Zentella, Marta
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A lo largo de su obra narrativa Hernán Rivera Letelier (Talca, Chile, 1950) describe la vida en el Norte Grande de Chile, específicamente en el desierto de Atacama durante varias décadas del siglo XX. El tema de las salitreras de Atacama explica el mundo de la gente que no conoce otra forma de vida, si bien las oficinas y los campamentos pueden emular un estilo urbano impostado en su arquitectura y en su operar cotidiano, el destino de los pobladores y su cosmovisión es de aislamiento. Sin embargo, los mineros asentados con sus familias en esa zona desértica han aprendido a sobrevivir en condiciones extremas y, desde la fórmula literaria que presenta el autor, la adaptación se logra incluso bajo una especie de sana resignación que los motiva a disfrutar el ocio. La constante que prevalece en la narrativa de Rivera es la desolación del espacio geográfico y la inclemencia del clima.
Throughout his work, Hernán Rivera Letelier (Talca, Chile, 1950) describes the life in the Great North of Chile in the course of several decades of the XXth century, specifically in the Desert of Atacama. The world in Atacama’s nitratefields is the world of the people that do not know another way of life, even though the offices and the camps may emulate an urban style based upon their architecture and their daily management, the destiny and worldview of the people is of isolation. However, the miners settled with their families on this region have learned to live in extreme conditions and, considering the literary device used by the author, their adaptation even comes with a sort of healthy resignation for the free time. The common theme through out Rivera̕s narrative work is the desolation and loneliness at that specific geographical space.
Throughout his work, Hernán Rivera Letelier (Talca, Chile, 1950) describes the life in the Great North of Chile in the course of several decades of the XXth century, specifically in the Desert of Atacama. The world in Atacama’s nitratefields is the world of the people that do not know another way of life, even though the offices and the camps may emulate an urban style based upon their architecture and their daily management, the destiny and worldview of the people is of isolation. However, the miners settled with their families on this region have learned to live in extreme conditions and, considering the literary device used by the author, their adaptation even comes with a sort of healthy resignation for the free time. The common theme through out Rivera̕s narrative work is the desolation and loneliness at that specific geographical space.