Comparación de la resistencia compresiva entre diferentes tipos de ionómeros de vidrio

dc.creatorHernández Rivera, Alejandra
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this article was to compare the compressive strength of different glass ionomers. 30 samples were made, divided into groups of 10. Ketac Easy Mix, Vitremer and Ketac N 100, were used for the test. Cylinders were made of each material, following the manufacturer’s instructions for each case, using molds Ultradent preformed for this purpose. The samples were stored in water at 37 ° C for 24 hrs, before being faulted in an Olsen testing machine Tiinus H 10 Ks at a speed of 0.1 cm / min. The Ketac Easy Mix had a compressive strength of 40.9 Mpa, the Vitremer had an average strength of 111.7 MPa, whereas for Ketac N 100 was 117.4 MPa. Hybrids glass ionomers have a higher compression resistance, far superior to conventional glass ionomer
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this article was to compare the compressive strength of different glass ionomers. 30 samples were made, divided into groups of 10. Ketac Easy Mix, Vitremer and Ketac N 100, were used for the test. Cylinders were made of each material, following the manufacturer’s instructions for each case, using molds Ultradent preformed for this purpose. The samples were stored in water at 37 ° C for 24 hrs, before being faulted in an Olsen testing machine Tiinus H 10 Ks at a speed of 0.1 cm / min. The Ketac Easy Mix had a compressive strength of 40.9 Mpa, the Vitremer had an average strength of 111.7 MPa, whereas for Ketac N 100 was 117.4 MPa. Hybrids glass ionomers have a higher compression resistance, far superior to conventional glass ionomer evaluated en-US
dc.publisherUniversidad de Costa Ricaen-US
dc.rightsacceso abierto
dc.sourceOdovtos International Journal of Dental Sciences; Οδοντος (Odontos): Número 14; 55-58es-ES
dc.sourceOdovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences; Οδοντος (Odontos): Número 14; 55-58en-US
dc.subjectglass ionomeres-ES
dc.subjectcompressive strengthes-ES
dc.titleComparación de la resistencia compresiva entre diferentes tipos de ionómeros de vidrioes-ES
dc.titleComparación de la resistencia compresiva entre diferentes tipos de ionómeros de vidrioen-US
dc.typeartículo original

