Factores que impulsan e inhiben el ingreso y la permanencia de mujeres en carreras de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Costa Rica.
Vásquez Soto, Carolina
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Se realizó un estudio en tres fases cuyo propósito fue investigar, desde la perspectiva de género, los factores que favorecen y que inhiben el ingreso y la permanencia de estudiantes mujeres en las carreras del área de las ingenierías. En la primera fase, de metodología cualitativa, se realizaron entrevistas individuales y un grupo focal con estudiantes que participan en el Café de las Ingenieras; esta actividad permitió descubrir los factores que las impulsaron a entrar en carreras de ingeniería, y así diseñar el constructo que se utilizara en la segunda fase cuantitativa.
En la segunda fase se aplicó una encuesta a estudiantes mujeres carne B9, para comprobar la incidencia de los factores estudiados en la decisión de estudiar ingeniería y permanecer en la carrera. En la tercera fase, de metodología cualitativa, se realizaron dos entrevistas grupales con docentes de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la UCR para obtener insumos que permitan la construcción de una propuesta de sensibilización que permita determinar elementos que favorezcan la permanencia de las estudiantes mujeres en las carreras de ingeniería.
A partir de la identificación de los factores, se diseñó un cuestionario el cual cuenta con dos secciones, la primera sobre información sociodemográfica de las estudiantes, y la segunda sección referida a los
aspectos que motivaron e inhibieron a las estudiantes para la escogencia de carrera y a los aspectos que motivan e inhiben a las estudiantes en la permanencia de carreras de ingeniería.
El cuestionario se aplicó, de forma virtual, a las estudiantes que se mantenían activas durante el segundo ciclo lectivo del 2021 y que ingresaron en el año 2019 (carne B9). La población en cuestión estuvo conformada por 312 estudiantes.
Se obtuvieron 247 respuestas en total (79% respecto a las 312 invitaciones enviadas), de estas 234 respuestas estaban completas (75%) y 13 incompletas (4%). Entre los principales resultados obtenidos con la aplicación del cuestionario a las estudiantes carne B9, se tiene:
Aspectos que motivaron la elección e ingreso a carreras de ingeniería
Los aspectos que más motivan a las estudiantes se sitúan en el factor individual, las estudiantes contactadas mencionan las habilidades matemáticas y las habilidades en física y/o química, como aspectos que les motivaron a tomar la decisión de estudiar ingeniería.
Aspectos que generaron duda en la elección e ingreso a carreras de ingeniería
Los aspectos que mencionan las estudiantes que más duda les genero al seleccionar una carrera de la mayor duda la sintieron al considerar la disciplina que se requiere para estudiar y aprobar todos los cursos en el periodo de tiempo estipulado, así como las habilidades para resolver problemas complejos.
Aspectos que le han ayudado a las estudiantes a informarse y a tomar la decisión de permanecer en la
carrera de ingeniería
El principal aspecto que consideran las estudiantes como motivador para permanecer en la carrera, pertenece al factor estereotipo e indica que “ser una mujer organizada y capaz de hacer más de una tarea al mismo tiempo, seguido por el factor personal/individual donde manifiestan que “la certeza de que lograre ser una buena profesional en ingeniería” y “mi confianza en mis capacidades para continuar mis estudios en ingeniería” son aspectos que las motivan a seguir adelante.
Aspectos le han hecho pensar que podría abandonar la carrera de ingeniería
Los aspectos que destacan como inhibidores para la permanencia en la carrera se centran en factores personales/individuales, el haber reprobado algún curso, o bien creer que no son suficientemente buenas en matemáticas, destacan entre las estudiantes. Sin embargo, también mencionan que el hecho de tener
que probar constantemente que son capaces de llevar la carrera de ingeniería las desmotiva en alguna manera.
ABSTRACT: A study was carried out in three phases whose purpose was to investigate, from a gender perspective, the factors that favor and inhibit the entry and permanence of female students in engineering careers. In the first phase, of qualitative methodology, individual interviews and a focus group were conducted with students who participated in the Café de las Ingenieras; This activity made it possible to discover the factors that prompted them to enter engineering careers, and thus design the construct that will be used in the second quantitative phase. In the second phase, a survey was applied to B9 female meat students, to verify the incidence of the factors studied in the decision to study engineering and remain in the career. In the third phase, of qualitative methodology, two group interviews were conducted with professors from the Faculty of Engineering of the UCR to obtain inputs that allow the construction of an awareness proposal that allows determining elements that favor the permanence of female students in the engineering careers. Based on the identification of the factors, a questionnaire was designed which has two sections, the first on sociodemographic information of the students, and the second section referring to the aspects that motivated and inhibited the students for the choice of career and the aspects that motivate and inhibited the students in the permanence of engineering careers. The questionnaire was applied, virtually, to the students who were active during the second school year of 2021 and who entered the year 2019 (B9 meat). The population in question consisted of 312 students. A total of 247 responses were obtained (79% of the 312 invitations sent), of these 234 responses were complete (75%) and 13 incomplete (4%). Among the main results obtained with the application of the questionnaire to the B9 meat students, we have: Aspects that motivated the choice and admission to engineering careers The aspects that most motivate the students are located in the individual factor, the students contacted mentioned mathematical skills and skills in physics and/or chemistry, as aspects that motivated them to make the decision to study engineering. Aspects that generated doubt in the choice and admission to engineering careers The aspects mentioned by the students that generated the most doubts when selecting a career they felt the most doubt when considering the discipline required to study and pass all the courses in the stipulated period of time, as well as the skills to solve complex problems . Aspects that have helped the students to find out and make the decision to remain in the engineering career The main aspect that the students consider as motivating to stay in the career, belongs to the stereotype factor and indicates that "being an organized woman and capable of doing more than one task at the same time, followed by the personal/individual factor where they state that" the certainty that I will be a good professional in engineering" and "my confidence in my abilities to continue my studies in engineering" are aspects that motivate them to keep going. Aspects have made him think that he could drop out of engineering The aspects that stand out as inhibitors for permanence in the career are focused on personal/individual factors, having failed a course, or believing that they are not good enough in mathematics, stand out among the students. However, they also mention that the fact of having Constantly proving that they are capable of pursuing an engineering degree demotivates them in some way.
ABSTRACT: A study was carried out in three phases whose purpose was to investigate, from a gender perspective, the factors that favor and inhibit the entry and permanence of female students in engineering careers. In the first phase, of qualitative methodology, individual interviews and a focus group were conducted with students who participated in the Café de las Ingenieras; This activity made it possible to discover the factors that prompted them to enter engineering careers, and thus design the construct that will be used in the second quantitative phase. In the second phase, a survey was applied to B9 female meat students, to verify the incidence of the factors studied in the decision to study engineering and remain in the career. In the third phase, of qualitative methodology, two group interviews were conducted with professors from the Faculty of Engineering of the UCR to obtain inputs that allow the construction of an awareness proposal that allows determining elements that favor the permanence of female students in the engineering careers. Based on the identification of the factors, a questionnaire was designed which has two sections, the first on sociodemographic information of the students, and the second section referring to the aspects that motivated and inhibited the students for the choice of career and the aspects that motivate and inhibited the students in the permanence of engineering careers. The questionnaire was applied, virtually, to the students who were active during the second school year of 2021 and who entered the year 2019 (B9 meat). The population in question consisted of 312 students. A total of 247 responses were obtained (79% of the 312 invitations sent), of these 234 responses were complete (75%) and 13 incomplete (4%). Among the main results obtained with the application of the questionnaire to the B9 meat students, we have: Aspects that motivated the choice and admission to engineering careers The aspects that most motivate the students are located in the individual factor, the students contacted mentioned mathematical skills and skills in physics and/or chemistry, as aspects that motivated them to make the decision to study engineering. Aspects that generated doubt in the choice and admission to engineering careers The aspects mentioned by the students that generated the most doubts when selecting a career they felt the most doubt when considering the discipline required to study and pass all the courses in the stipulated period of time, as well as the skills to solve complex problems . Aspects that have helped the students to find out and make the decision to remain in the engineering career The main aspect that the students consider as motivating to stay in the career, belongs to the stereotype factor and indicates that "being an organized woman and capable of doing more than one task at the same time, followed by the personal/individual factor where they state that" the certainty that I will be a good professional in engineering" and "my confidence in my abilities to continue my studies in engineering" are aspects that motivate them to keep going. Aspects have made him think that he could drop out of engineering The aspects that stand out as inhibitors for permanence in the career are focused on personal/individual factors, having failed a course, or believing that they are not good enough in mathematics, stand out among the students. However, they also mention that the fact of having Constantly proving that they are capable of pursuing an engineering degree demotivates them in some way.