Aproximaciones teóricas, metodológicas y ético políticas sobre la participación juvenil en el cantón de San Ramón
Calvo Ugalde, Adrián Francisco
Muñoz Amores, Adriana Patricia
Torres Blanco, Yuliana
Zamora Rodríguez, María Marta
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El presente artículo expone algunas aproximaciones teóricas, metodológicas y ético-políticas sobre la participación juvenil, construidas colectivamente en el marco del proyecto de investigación: Manifestaciones de la participación juvenil en el cantón de San Ramón, Alajuela: Motivaciones, alcances y desafíos, en el período 2015 - 2017, inscrito en la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Universidad de Costa Rica.
Se discute sobre la relevancia de generar procesos de investigación social en los cuales se reflexione críticamente sobre la concepción de lo juvenil desde el enfoque de las juventudes, al reconocer la lógica adultocéntrica, heteronormativa y neoliberal, la cual caracteriza la formación social costarricense. Como parte de esta premisa se profundiza en la necesidad de revisar las dimensiones teóricas, metodológicas y ético políticas orientadoras de los procesos investigativos de la participación de las personas jóvenes.
A modo de reflexiones finales, el equipo investigador plantea los siguientes desafíos: reconocer la dimensión subjetiva e intersubjetiva, desde la formulación hasta el informe final de los proyectos de investigación que buscan aproximarse a la cuestión juvenil en particular. Esto implica un esfuerzo de autoreflexión, donde se asuma conciencia de que los procesos de investigación no son neutrales, lo cual implica requiere una revisión permanente de la perspectiva epistemológica y ético-política desde donde se lleva a cabo la labor investigativa.
This paper presents some theoretical, methodological and ethical policies to target youth participation, collectively constructed within the framework of the research project: Manifestations of youth participation in the canton of San Ramon, Alajuela: Motivations, achievements and challenges from 2015 to 2017, conducted under the supervision of the Research Vice-Rectory at the University of Costa Rica. The relevance of generating social research processes is discussed to reflect critically on the conception of youth from a youth perspective, recognizing the adult-centered, hetero-normative and neoliberal logic that characterizes Costa Rican social education. As part of this premise, the theoretical, methodological and ethical-political dimensions that guide a research process involving young people is reviewed in depth. As a final reflection, recognizing the subjective and inter-subjective dimension, from formulating to presenting final research reports that target youth issues in particular, is posed as a challenge. This demands a self-reflection effort to realize that research processes are not neutral. Therefore, an ongoing review of epistemological and ethical-political research perspectives is required.
This paper presents some theoretical, methodological and ethical policies to target youth participation, collectively constructed within the framework of the research project: Manifestations of youth participation in the canton of San Ramon, Alajuela: Motivations, achievements and challenges from 2015 to 2017, conducted under the supervision of the Research Vice-Rectory at the University of Costa Rica. The relevance of generating social research processes is discussed to reflect critically on the conception of youth from a youth perspective, recognizing the adult-centered, hetero-normative and neoliberal logic that characterizes Costa Rican social education. As part of this premise, the theoretical, methodological and ethical-political dimensions that guide a research process involving young people is reviewed in depth. As a final reflection, recognizing the subjective and inter-subjective dimension, from formulating to presenting final research reports that target youth issues in particular, is posed as a challenge. This demands a self-reflection effort to realize that research processes are not neutral. Therefore, an ongoing review of epistemological and ethical-political research perspectives is required.