Anuario Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos, Volumen 2
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Ítem COMISIONES(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Anuario Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos, RevistaEn esta sección puede observar el equipo de trabajo para la elaboración del Anuario Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos volumen 2 más una breve descripción sobre este.Ítem ACTIVIDADES(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Anuario Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos, RevistaAs part of the Center for Research and Policy Studies’ accountability, this section describes the activities carried out, coordinated or supported by this institution. Within this section you will see a summary of these activities, their main points and ideas, the coordinator, the assistant and some event’s photos. The activities described include the following: “II Jornada de Investigación de Ciencias Políticas”; “Cátedra Eugenio Fonseca Tortós: Centroamérica en Ruta hacia el Bicentenario: Análisis de los Desafíos Sociales, Económicos y Culturales”; “Ciclo de Conversatorios Hablemos de la Caja”; “Foro Sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional como Elemento Integrador a Nivel Sociopolítico”; “Presentación del Libro “Cultura Política de la Democracia en Costa Rica, 2010: Consolidación Democrática en Las Américas en Tiempos Difíciles” y Conferencia Magistral “Cultura Política de la Democracia en Tiempos Difíciles: Resultados del Barómetro de Las Américas de 2010””; “Presentación del Libro “Expulsados de la Globalización. Políticas Migratorias y Deportados Centroamericanos””; “Primer Foro Universitario de Seguridad y Convivencia Democrática”; y, “Reconocimiento al Dr. Rodolfo Cerdas Cruz”.Ítem PROYECTOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Anuario Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos, RevistaThis section provides all the research projects being carried out at the Center for Research and Policy Studies in the year 2011. You can see the investigation's authors, the descriptors and the period of validy. These projects are divided into three categories: new research projects of this center, in the sense that it began in 2011, the continuing and others that were co-coordinated by the Center for Research and Policy Studies. The importance of this section is to bring out the research projects supported by this center, so that the readers can become informed about the studies carried out in 2011.Ítem TESIS DE GRADO Y DE DOCTORADO(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Anuario Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos, RevistaThis section provides small abstracts and the respective signatures on theses defended and approved in 2011 for the degrees of Bachelor of Political Science, Centralamerican Master in Political Science and Ph.D. in Government and Public Policy. It is important to explain that there eas no master's thesis defended on this time period.Ítem LA AMPLIACIÓN DE UNA GUERRA FALLIDA Y SUS PELIGROS(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Urcuyo Fournier, ConstantinoUntil recently, the War on Drugs had been confined to Colombia and had then spread to Mexico. However, in both cases, this war has not been able to proclaim victory. Both Colombia and Mexico have made unsuccessful efforts to fight against this war, making it possible to qualify it as a failed war. This paper, after analyzing the dimensions of the War on Drugs, will address the extension of the war to the Central American scenario, along with the possible negative implications for democracy, concluding the analysis with a review of the initiatives of Merida and the Central American Regional Security Initiative, as well as the structure devised by the U.S. Southern Command for their execution.Ítem PIRATAS, HACKERS Y NÓMADAS: LA POLÍTICA EN LA ERA DE LA TRANSPARENCIA RADICAL(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Vargas Rodríguez, ManfredThe aim of this essay is to describe and explain the purpose and modus operandi of three different organizations currently fighting to implement radical transparency in politics: Wikileaks, Anonymous and the Pirate Parties. Special attention is given to the ways in which these organizations utilize the Internet and other technological tools in order to spread their message and present their demands; as well as exploring the differences between these organizations when it comes to dealing with the State and the political system. It is concluded that, even though Wikileaks and Anonymous have accomplished an important media presence, the Pirate Parties are best positioned to achieve reforms in government that will lead to greater transparency.Ítem UNIDAS POR SUS DERECHOS: FEMINISTAS Y MAESTRAS EN 1924(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Solano Arias, MartaA retrospective about some of the battles for women's rights, allows us to reconsider the strategies for the present, leaving a great lesson on the importance of articulating efforts and the creation of alliances which cross the traditional boundaries of women's differences. Created to obtain the vote for women, Liga Feminista Costarricense (Costa Rican Feminist League) is able to channel and face upto other challenges unresolved still today, such as sexual exploitation of girls and women, or the fight for equal pay for equal jobs.Ítem AGENDAS, INSTITUCIONES Y ESTRATEGIAS EN LA CREACIÓN DEL FODESAF. APUNTES PARA EL ESTUDIO DE LA “EXCEPCIONALIDAD” DE LA POLÍTICA SOCIAL COSTARRICENSE(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Solano Chavarría, HéctorPart of the reasons for the Costa Rican “exceptionality” in the social sphere are linked to the 1970’s context, the “golden age” of Costa Rica’s regime of social policy. This study explores the origins and factors of the “golden age” through analyzing the development of one of the emblematic policies of the time (FODESAF, 1974.) This will demonstrate that the configuration of a policy community that was closed to the participation of formal actors on institutional grounds –within an exclusion of trade union and business actors from such policy– explained the policy’s feasibility. Considering how literature emphasizes tripartite designs in the creation of social policies, this study helps questioning –from the Costa Rican experience– the common senses tied to the type of political arrays necessary to formulate regimes that are successful and capable of enduring structural changes introduced by the neoliberal model.Ítem REFORMA INSTITUCIONAL DE CHINA DESDE EL INICIO DEL PROCESO DE REFORMA COMO UN SISTEMA ABIERTO DE APRENDIZAJE COLECTIVO BAJO EL LIDERAZGO DEL PCC(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Rodríguez Hölkemeyer, PatriciaThe process of economic and political reform in China is an experiment unique in the world, and, as such, deserves to be studied in order to learn from it. The present paper is an essay about China`s political system, and how it has evolved slowly meanwhile the chinese economy has been swiftly transforming itself. The political system has evolved, not only from errors, but also from wise corrections. It has not only experienced moments of atrophy, but also of fruitful renovations. It is a system that reinvents, learns and adapts itself tothe different internal and external demands that had not only threatened it, but, also, paradoxically, benefitted it.Ítem LA EXÉGESIS JURÍDICA SOBRE LA SEGURIDAD(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Rivera Alfaro, Ronald GerardoIn this article I try to show from different dimensions -structural, contractual and legal policy- how has been called security as an exclusive right of law. The actually subsumed to the prevention of crime and punishment mechanisms needed to promote exclusive. Those new epistemological ways analyze the security strip of these moments and spaces that have been ritualized by the semantic power. All of that making and altering the meaning of security to insecurity. This increases the tension and uncertainty budget through media coverage of some events criminals that cause the perception of insecurity increases disproportionately in relation to actual crime.Ítem AMÉRICA LATINA: EN BUSCA DE LA SEGURIDAD MÁS ALLÁ DE LA GEOPOLÍTICA(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Eguizábal Mendoza, CristinaHistorically geopolitics in the Western hemisphere has been determined by the United States’ security interests. The U.S. national security interests have in turn been defined in response to the U.S. interests as a global power and the balance of forces established at a given time. The Latin American countries’ margins of autonomy have been inversely proportional to [perceived U.S. power in the world. We focus our analysis in the post Cold War period. In the first section we situate the Western Hemisphere in the global context of unipolarity following the collapse of the Berlin Wall. In a second section we analyze the recent changes in Latin American foreign policies as a consequence of recent changes in the global balance of power. Thirdly we discuss the evolving content of the concept of security and finally we go over the old and new threats faced by the Latin America countries.Ítem Partidos políticos y calidad de la democracia en un contexto de cambios en el sistema de partidos de Costa Rica(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Hernández Naranjo, GerardoEl artículo presenta algunas reflexiones preliminares sobre la relación entre partidos políticos y calidad de la democracia, en el ámbito procedimental de la misma. Inicia con una síntesis del contexto de cambios que se han dado en el sistema de partidos en los últimos años, para pasar luego a plantear algunas debilidades que muestran los partidos políticos en el actual contexto histórico, tanto en su desempeño dentro del sistema político, como a nivel de sus dinámicas internas. El supuesto de fondo es que dichas debilidades afectan de alguna manera la calidad de la democracia, en la medida en que vulneran derechos básicos de la ciudadanía en el marco de la democracia representativa.Ítem LAS REVUELTAS ÁRABES: ¿FRACASO O RECOMPOSICIÓN DEL ISLAMISMO?(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Moya Mena, Sergio I.The Arab Revolts in the Middle East and North Africa represent major changes for the countries of the region, both politically and socio-cultural. The popular demands that have encouraged these protests are essentially political in character but the role of Islamist movements in countries like Egypt or Tunisia, where they will continue to exert significant influence in the political debates of the post–dictatorship, cannot be ignored.In this paper the author tries to explain the courses of action performed by the Islamists and the possible scenarios of political participation they face in the future.Ítem ANÁLISIS DE LA GESTIÓN LEGISLATIVA EN COSTA RICA (1962-2010): LA DISTRIBUCIÓN DEL PODER Y LA EXPERIENCIA PARLAMENTARIA(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Díaz González, José AndrésThis paper studies legislative dynamics in Costa Rica from 1962 to 2010, in order to observe how changes in the number of parties, internal power distribution in Parliament and parliamentarian experience influence the number of laws approved by Costa Rican Congress.Ítem Elementos para el debate sobre perspectivas de investigación sociopolítica(2012-12-01 00:00:00) Alpízar Rodríguez, FelipeThis paper discusses a sociopolitical research perspective by analizing the dimensions of the sociopolitical reality. The focus of this analisys is politics and power. Then, it tries to relate this dimensions with three forms of comprehension in social sciences and the debates about causality. It ends with a methodological proposal to study the social and political reality.Ítem Gobernanza de la seguridad y estado de derecho en Centroamérica: Nuevos déficits democráticos(2012-11-28 00:00:00) Arias, RandallThis article analyzes the governance of security in Central America as part of the Security Strategy released by SICA in 2011. The article features a critical analysis of the current state of Security and Justice in the region, concluding that current problems are directly related to the structural weakness of the rule of law, which is considered the greatest current threat to the legitimacy of the fragile democracy in the region. It recognizes that although the region has made progress in coordinating efforts for the regional fight against insecurity, there is an absent debate, which originates in academia and especially in the field of political science, which prevents a comprehensive approach to the problem in terms of democracy and institutional performance. It also highlights the importance of improving regional security governance by incorporating ongoing efforts in the region's Legislative and Judicial branches, as well as in civil society.Ítem POLITICAL CONFLICT AND DEMOCRATIZATION PATTERNS EFFECTS ON PARTY NATIONALIZATION IN LATIN AMERICA(2012-11-28 00:00:00) Alfaro Redondo, RonaldIncreasing the homogeneity of a party’s support across the nation -party nationalization- is a key concern to democracies. This paper tests the impact of country and intra-party variables in explaining party nationalization changes in Latin America. During the early 1980s and 1990s, several Latin American countries experienced transitions to democracy. Although there are similarities in this process, both the democratization pattern followed by the country and the prevalence of civil conflict decrease the nationalization of parties. In addition, the more fragmented the political party system and the more diverse the ethnic composition of the country the less nationalized the political parties. These results are robust even when controlling for time and other contextual effects.