Volumen 3, Número 1

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/10669/12539


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    12 de octubre. Día de las culturas.
    (2013-04-06 05:46:30) Miranda Fallas, Grettel
    Nota enviada a la dirección de la Escuela de Bibliotecología con referente a la celebración del 12 de octubre, días de las culturas, 2 de octubre de 2012“La pluma, dichosamente, es el terreno de los conocimientos y de los sentimientos, ha hecho bellísimas conquistas que son para la humanidad su más valioso tesoro”Joaquín García MongeSe ilustra con esta frase del gran maestro costarricense, la relevancia de la palabra, la escritura y el libro en sus diversos momentos históricos. Es necesario destacar la importancia de la biblioteca y el bibliotecólogo como principal gestor de la conservación y divulgación de tan importante tesoro.Un tesoro que educa y procura seres humanos con una visión de mundo más holística, progresista, autodidacta, con mayor sensibilidad ante el compromiso de la vida en sociedad.El libro como tecnología ha permitido a los pueblos elevar el bagaje cultural, conocer su historia, para comprender así su presente y proyectarse al futuro.Las diversas disciplinas científicas no lograrían ser lo que hoy son, sin el aporte valioso de estos diversos soportes en los que se ha almacenado tan vasto conocimiento  y en los que tan sabiamente el bibliotecólogo ha procesado, almacenado y diseminado la información, para acercar al usuario a la gran explosión bibliográfica producida mayoritariamente en la sociedad de la información.El ideal de la sociedad de la información debe incluir desde las más tempranas edades escolares, hasta los científicos más destacados el acceso equitativo a esta preciada triada: la palabra, la escritura y el libro.
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    Competitiveness and leadership: vital elements for information units
    (2013-04-06 05:46:30) Flores De la Fuente, María Lourdes
    The report provides a contribution to the leadership by skills topic of the person that assumes the manager position in a unit of information. It offers an approach on the leadership transformation for work, technical, social and individual skills. It is an input presented to the Leadership course on the Master Degree in Library Science with an emphasis in Management that is delivered by Universidad de Costa Rica.
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    Adult literacy, Bajo Tejares-San Juan, San Ramón : an oportunity to go school continue after in adulthood learning
    (2013-04-06 05:46:30) Palma Villegas, Carmen María
    The purpose of this article is to describe the work done at the Trabajo Comunal Universitario (TCU) project called Adult Literacy at the Bajo Tejares community in San Juan, San Ramon. Besides teaching how to read and write to adolescents and senior citizens, this project offers the posibility of a cultural discussion since it tries to develop a social conciousness in the TCU students. In addition, the project helps communities identify their problems and find solutions to those problems as well as sensitize students to continue giving back to their communities. Moreover, this project tries to meet the needs communties have in order to help those sectors with urgent needs. Finally, the project offers its beneficiaries an oportunity to continue their studies and better their quality of life.
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    Costa Rica and the challenge to the Information Society
    (2013-04-06 05:46:30) Gómez Merayo, Matilde
    The following article makes reference to public policies and their importance to include Costa Rica in the information society (IS). These policies allow creating the necessary conditions to sustain IS. Also, they are the operating framework that should permit to have a more inclusive, multicultural Costa Rican society that guarantees the democratic access to information, knowledge and ICT’s. In order to establish the Information Society (IS) in Costa Rica, and in any other country, it is required to develop an action plan based on the collaboration of the public and private sectors. On one side, the public sector in charge of the promotion, regulation of activities through public policies. On the other side, the private sector implementing those public policies and financing the information society in the creation of new services, products, jobs, and a competitive economy. In the search for the State’s efficiency and transparency, there are two types of relation: State – ICT’s and State – Information Society, both with the purpose of achieving a greater economic growth and citizen’s welfare. Unfortunately, Costa Rica lacks public policies that guarantee free access to public information and ICT’s. Additionally, the lack of politic will and politicians’ interests, these relations are impossible to establish and States’ efficiency and transparency are unattainable.
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    Accessible libraries: Documentation Centre United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders (ILANUD)
    (2013-04-06 05:46:30) Quesada Mata, Flor; Lépiz Ureña, Grethel
    Its general objective study will evaluate the services and information products available in the Documentation Centre (CEDO) of the United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders (ILANUD) with respect to the rules and standards ratified in Costa Rica, and the 7600 Law on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities and its regulations regarding accessibility in libraries. The aim was to develop a proposal for global accessibility of ILANUD CEDO, from diagnosis derivative instruments used in three areas of work (web platform, physical infrastructure and services and information products) based on those aspects that require a change-oriented towards accessibility, in the attempt to provide the user community with physical and sensory disabilities, a rapid and timely access to information, either in person or online.
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    The school library and information needs surrounding topics of adolescent sexuality
    (2013-04-06 05:46:30) Muñoz Alvarado, María Daniela
    This paper refers to the issue of the role of the school library to adolescents and to the new Education Curriculum for Comprehensive Sexuality Affectivity and the Ministry of Education. Today, young people are exposed to a lot of changes, both internally and externally, which reflects the imminently need of having reliable and quality information to support the decision-making. Therefore, the objective of this work is to establish the relationship between the informational needs of adolescents on the issue of sexual and reproductive health and the school library as an information source to meet those needs. Thus, the proposal of this paper consist in an active role by the school library not only as an information generator but also as support for the Study of Education Programs for Integral Sexuality and Affectivity and adolescents, this with new services and products specializing in the topic of sexuality.
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    The purport of metadata in libraries
    (2013-04-06 05:46:30) Rodríguez García, Ariel Alejandro
    A lot of metadata structures for describing information resources created by humans to be used by them. For a pair of decades, the Semantic Web activity is focused on the representation of data through the creation of profiles that automatically pass information systems, allowing the filtering, selection and connection of different pieces of information. At the present time, guidelines for acquiring information, process and disseminate, conducive to professional librarians entering different markets will require greater knowledge and expertise. The purpose of this paper is to show how the metadata are being used to organize and control a wider range of information resources in the collections of digital libraries and institutional repositories. After reviewing the literature on the metadata, which relate to the way they are understanding the metadata in libraries, we conclude that the bibliographic traditions and metadata activity, substantive elements the third movement of cataloging, are proposed outside the course that had Bibliographic Control in standardizing and unifying the standards of description.
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    An approach to the poem "Arte Poética" by Jorge Luis Borges
    (2013-04-06 05:46:30) Chaves Salgado, Lorena
    This article presents a reading of the poem 'Arte Poetica' by Jorge Luis Borges, developing theoretical aspects that relate to the analysis of poetry. ‘Arte Poetica’ describes the work of the poet and what it means to write poetry, which is understood by Borges as an act and as a creative process.
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    Classification of free software oriented at the integral automation of libraries according to the level of complexity of the library: simple libraries, libraries of medium complexity and libraries of high complexity
    (2013-04-06 05:46:30) Fernández Morales, Mynor
    This article presents a proposal to classify oriented software automation of libraries according to the following sublevels: a simple library, library of medium complexity or high complexity libraries. To classify a library in each of these sublevels, six variables are used to perform the appropriate sizing, which are: type of library, the collection size, type of materials handled, number and type of users served by the library, the level of expertise of human resources that handles the library, and finally the technical and economic capacity to take into the library. Besides classifying libraries also is classified the free software  oriented automation of these as the following sublevels: simple software, software of medium complexity and high complexity software. For this second classification, used seven criteria including: the level of robustness of the database engine that supports the application, the level of parameterization, the platform on which the software is developed, the type of support provided to the computer application, the level of ease for the development of new requirements, software interoperability, and finally the management of international standards to import and export information. At the end is included a list-oriented software classified the automation of libraries.