e-Ciencias de la Información 1(2)
URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/10669/12511
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Ítem The Observatory for the Knowledge Librarianship (OCOBI): Achievements and Challenges of Research in Librarianship School of Library and Information Science(2011-07-01 00:00:00) Sandí Sandí, Magda CeciliaThis article showing the intensive work in the School of Library and Information Science about the research. Include an important description with the principals actions starting with the School for pushing the research. This article shows the most relevant challenges in the next five years. In fact, the research in the library science field in Costa Rica is engaged and linked with the creation and education for the librarian profession. The most among the papers in the Library and Information Science are result the researchers by students for the obtain their superior grade "Licenciatura" more than the bachelor. Also, there are papers in the other level, for example the Master Degree produces many researches in the Information Management. Finally, is evident the contribution of the teachers-researchers in the Library and Information Science School, it reflect in articles, papers and researchs about the Library Science y other issues. These documents are very important for us, because are using for the learning, social extension and research, too.Ítem Documentos Base I Congreso Nacional de Información para el Desarrollo.(2011-07-01 00:00:00) Sariego Mac-Ginty, JorgeComo aporte a la divulgación del congreso, se ofrecen los documentos base que dieron su origen a esta actividad académica. Se espera que este material y los conocimientos desarrollados puedan ser utilizados como motivación para eventos similares futuros. Así mismo los resultados de las cuatro mesas de trabajo se publicarán en el próximo número de la Revista.Ítem Information, Culture and Training: Three Essential Elements of Librarianship Task(2011-07-01 00:00:00) Ruíz Gómez, AdrianaSociety’s urge for information and the consumption of large amounts of information is gettingstronger every day. For this reason, it is necessary to define the true scope and implementation ofinformation as a shaper of social culture. Below a series of personal conclusions derived from thereview of the literature seek to demonstrate the relevance of the direct involvement of libraries andinformation professionals in a information culture, which enables a significant achievement anddemonstrates the interdependence between the individual, society and, above all, the information.Ítem An Approach to Information Policy in Costa Rica(2011-07-01 00:00:00) Rosales Reyes, RebecaBased on the broad dimensions of information production in the current context, information thathas increased to unimaginable levels thanks to the appearance of Information andCommunications Technologies, multiple questions have soared based on how the governmentshould manage that information in order for every user of the Society of Information to be able toaccess and make use of it. That question, unfortunately, has a negative response in the context ofpublic management in Costa Rica, because until today there has been no emphasis on creating aproject that includes a satisfactory solution. Therefore, the research presented below, will try toprovide an approach on the Information Society in Costa Rica, from what is expected, to whatactually exists. It also provides an insight into the different aspects that could be limited in thedevelopment and delivery of information policy that legally supports all components and actionsthat contribute to the public at large to enjoy and maximizing the opportunities and benefits ofindividual development and collective features of the Information Society.Ítem Latin America: devising public policies for Internet and information access. The case of indigenous populations(2011-07-01 00:00:00) Barrantes Solano, JurinetteThe following essay reviews the public politics about information and the internet that haveexisted in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela and Costa Rica from 2000 to 2007, in order to establish inwhich ways have these countries advanced in terms of Information and CommunicationTechnologies (ICTs). An account of the policies of these countries is being made, and how it hasaffected, in some cases, the population. It also provides a description of the environmentsurrounding indigenous communities in terms of Public Policy of Information and suggestions forimprovement.Ítem Preparation of teachers for training in research in the Library and Information Science School of the University of Costa Rica(2011-07-01 00:00:00) Córdoba, Saray; Flores De la Fuente, María LourdesThis article belongs to partial results obtained in a study that is performed by Escuela de Bibliotecología de la Universidad de Costa Rica. In this part it's intended to show the prevailing situation regarding the formation in investigation that the students receive, based on the analysis of the class programs and the current study plans, in graduate and post-graduate degree. For that, were analyzed the classes' programs from the curses: documental investigation techniques, assisted investigation, investigative methodology and investigation methods, bibliometry and infometry, so as the professional training that the teachers have and their opinions and thoughts left in interviews that were later discussed in a focal group. The investigation was done in the years of 2007 and 2008; the teachers that were chosen ( 10 in total) gave the classes specified above in the five years earlier from that period (2002-2006). Complementary, it was analyzed the relation between teachers and the organs linked to the organizational instances in charge of the investigation and finally they were add a series of content and style conclusions corresponding to the aspects pointed out before.Ítem Academic library 2.0: a Mexican innovation(2011-07-01 00:00:00) Herrera Delgado, Lizbeth BereniceThe Library 2.0 (L2) has been object of attention and spread, it has been debated constantly in themedia, mainly electronics with the non-formal help of the librarian bloggers “bibliobloggers”. Thecurrent work thinks about L2 and it’s innovation since the academic scope and Mexican context.This practice shown us in one hand, its character in the information and communicationtechnologies (ICT), and in the other question its role at the Information Units. Joining theproposals which bring on L2, studying the different kind of innovation which we have, and finallywe settle our opinion according to the Mexican context; that is what you gotta the conception ofMexican Academic Libraries 2.0.