Volumen 5, Número 1
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Ítem E-Ciencias de la Información: An electronic journal serving the transfer of knowledge(2014-01-01 00:00:00) Sandí Sandí, Magda Cecilia; Chinchilla Arley, RicardoThe article introduces the concept of E-Science and its importance in the generation of knowledge. This article also stresses the need to transfer that knowledge, before this, the School of Library and Information Science at the University of Costa Rica could gothrough such means as the online magazine E-Ciencias de la Información. It explains why we chose the form of electronic publication and describes the development strategy, architecture design and technological requirements. The article concludes that electronic publications have penetrated hard in the academic world and are increasingly cited, so that their contribution as vehicles for dissemination of knowledge is undeniable.Ítem Knowledge portals in contemporary organizations(2014-01-01 00:00:00) Fernández Morales, MynorThis essay deals with the importance of a knowledge portal as a tool for the systematic management and harmonious growth of an organization, since it is a technical and management tool which contemporary organizations should have to compete better in an increasingly globalized and post-industrial society where the main competitive advantage is undoubtedly knowledge. Emphasis is given to aspects of administrative nature rather than technical, to introduce the portal as a management tool that facilitates knowledge management. Its consolidation and good success depend on the existence of a collaborative environment among information professionals in the systematic management of organizational knowledge.Ítem Is it necessary to change Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR) for Resource, Description and Access (RDA)?(2015-01-01 00:00:00) Ramírez Méndez, StevensWhile debate on the implementation of RDA in bibliographic description processes continues, it is important to know why AACR appeared, how functional they have been up to now, and how technological progress has affected their use; that is to say, can AACR adapt to the present? On the other hand, we must be aware of the changes brought by RDA, which aspects justify migrating from AACR to this new format, and how adequate is RDA structure to current needs. In this review some of the differences between AACR and RDA are covered as well as the main reasons why it is necessary to implement a new cataloging code. By the end of the paper it is stated that AACR has been a very useful bibliographic description system but RDA represents the change required in order to improve the technical proccessing of information and its recovery rate.Ítem Digital preservation of journals at UNAM and institutional repositories: an approach(2015-01-01 00:00:00) Villanueva Rivas, DanielThe purpose of this document is to provide the experience of migration and digital preservation of technical and scientific journals acquired by purchase by the UNAM. It deals in general with the characteristics of the printed collections of the UNAM, with updated data on these collections, and presents the state of the art regarding print subscriptions through some of the hard data updated to 2014. This paper also delivers a sketch of some digital preservation projects at UNAM (repositories), with the view of UNESCO regarding them, and introduces the three major collaborative digital preservation projects and their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, organized by librarians and publishers jointly named Portico, LOCKSS and CLOKSS. The libraries that make up the Library System of the UNAM have a common denominator regarding print subscriptions called missing. This shortfall is due to several factors that have to do specifically with the logistics of sending, receiving and controlling subscriptions, which makes users suffer and therefore the staff working in the libraries. The challenge of the model of acquisition in electronic format has to do with ensuring continuous and permanent access called perpetuity, and provide consultation and access despite future technological changes. Hence, despite signed contracts with publishers’ perpetual access and the benefits regarding the accessibility and availability of collections, UNAM raised the need for a secure access of different external editors that can work in case of failure or suspension of service, called digital preservation of collections.Ítem Mobile information services within the academic library(2015-01-01 00:00:00) Giordanino, Eduardo PabloThe objective of this study is to analyze the integration of mobile information services in academic libraries, to clarify the theoretical and methodological elements involved in the generation of innovative library services of information. The mobile information services in academic libraries are adopted by different user communities that frequent this type of libraries. Mobile devices make possible the remote consultation of digital information resources through the use of mobile applications generated or adapted by academic libraries. This phenomenon has led to the emergence of intelligent academic libraries, characterized by the technological innovation of processes and the use of mobile technologies to support academic activities and research in the universities.Ítem Mobile information services within the academic library(2015-01-01 00:00:00) Ávila Barrientos, EderThe objective of this study is to analyze the integration of mobile information services in academic libraries, to clarify the theoretical and methodological elements involved in the generation of innovative library services of information. The mobile information services in academic libraries are adopted by different user communities that frequent this type of libraries. Mobile devices make possible the remote consultation of digital information resources through the use of mobile applications generated or adapted by academic libraries. This phenomenon has led to the emergence of intelligent academic libraries, characterized by the technological innovation of processes and the use of mobile technologies to support academic activities and research in the universities.Ítem Development of teaching guides using collaborative tools in Library and Information Science courses(2015-01-01 00:00:00) Calvo Sánchez, LoiretteThis investigation is a descriptive study carried out by the School of Library and Information Science of the UCR. It addresses the rules for the development of a teaching guide for the area of data processing, including the design and contents selection that constitute the internal and external schema structure that should be presented to the students, and the way in which tools as Goanimate and Glogster can be integrated in their development. This scientific article includes the theory and methodology used in the research and evaluation applied to the tutorial.Ítem Redesigning a website as an information system through information architecture: in search of communication strengthening(2015-01-01 00:00:00) Calvo Guillén, Ginnette CarolinaIt describes the actions developed in an investigation about the redesign of the School of Library and Information Science website at the University of Costa Rica through the use of information architecture and the information system approach, as a comprehensive, systematic and continuous process. It seeks to improve the dissemination of activities of the School and enhance communication with the students, faculty and staff. The research is part of an improvement project that arises from a number of weaknesses identified in the self-assessment process from 2007-2012. Finally, the degree of progress of the project and its impact at the organizational level is presented.Ítem Consolidation of Librarianship Postgraduate Studies in the University of Costa Rica(2015-01-01 00:00:00) González Arrieta, RuthThis article reflects the trajectory of the Postgraduate Program in Library Science from the University of Costa Rica, which was implemented in order to form specialized human resources in information management and document processes in the country. It constitutes a unique academic offering nationwide. In the mid 90's the Academic Units of the Faculty of Education, formed an academic master that brought together courses with a common core. In turn, each school taught courses in their own specialty; in the case of our school the master was named Academic Master in Education with a specialization in Library and Information Science. Subsequently, the Academic Units of the faculty, like the School of Librarianship and Information Science, tendered their own masters such as the Postgraduate Program in Librarianship and Information Studies, which teaches the modality of professional expertise with emphasis in Information Management and Information Technology.Ítem A collaboration experience between EBCI and OTS: information as common denominator(2015-01-01 00:00:00) Vargas Bolaños, Rebeca; Sandí Sandí, Magda CeciliaThis article systematizes the collaborative experience between two specialized institutions, such as the School of Library and Information Science (EBCI) at the University of Costa Rica (UCR) and the Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS). The experience was performed in the context of the cooperation agreement signed between the two entities, and developed through research projects within the specialized library at OTS during the years 2012 to 2014. Teachers and students of the EBCI participate in both projects as well as the professionals working in the area of Information Management at OTS. The most important result of this relationship was a mechanism that allows the exchange of experiences, transfer of knowledge and horizontal cooperation between the two organizations, which can be replicated with other internal or external institutions at the University.Ítem Informational flows in cooperative repositories: considerations about some experiences in academic institutions in Latin America(2015-01-01 00:00:00) Corda, María Cecilia; Viñas, MarielaThis paper, of a descriptive/exploratory nature, conducts an analysis of a series of cooperative repositories belonging to academic institutions of Latin America, focusing on the importance of cooperation as a long-standing practice amongst libraries. Many of these have become leaders or key participants both in the implementation and in the development of repositories at their respective institutions. This paper studies the informational flows underpinning such repositories in order to understand how these are shaped and developed in the context of academic institutions of a certain size and complexity, through an analysis of documentation. Emphasis is placed on the informational flow models as detected in these cooperative repositories, and on how their uniqueness favors the visibility and dissemination of existing academic and scientific knowledge in digital format.