Cuadernos de Antopología 19(1)
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Ítem El cazador que se perdió detrás de la danta(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Morales, Franklyn; García Segura, Alí; Lamounier Ferreira, AliceÍtem Comisión Nacional para la Salvaguarda del Patrimonio Cultural Intangible: desafíos en la revitalización de la identidad costarricense(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Dobles Trejos, Cecilia; González Vásquez, FernandoÍtem Yëria chëwa nai' i tök(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Morales, FranklynÍtem Nuevos caminos de las artes verbales amerindias: Reflexiones acerca de la historia bribrí: El cazador que se perdió detrás de la danta"(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Lamounier Ferreira, AliceÍtem ARQUEOLOGÍA Y SOCIEDAD(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Lumbreras, Luis GuillermoÍtem EL ÚLTIMO CACIQUE. TALAMANCA SIGLO XIX(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Bozzoli Vargas, María EugeniaÍtem PROPUESTA DE ACERCAMIENTO AL ESTUDIO DE POLÍTICAS INDÍGENAS Y EL DESARROLLO: EL CASO TÉRRABA/PROYECTO HIDROELÉCTRICO EL DIQUÍS(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Campregher, ChristophIn an interactionist perspective this work analyzes the multiple relations among different groups and factions of the indigenous community of Té- rraba and a hydrological project. Cooperation and conflicts of indigenous groups and project planers reflect interests of indigenous and non-indigenous people, the competitive situation around development projects, the policy of the state and non-governmental organizations, as well as the multiple legal norms that guide social action in this context. Law regarding indigenous people and its contradictions between national and international documents, as well as between norms and their implementation represent a complex situation characterized by legal pluralism. For the analysis of this case I propose an interactionist perspective which regards social actors as competing for resources and various forms of capital (Pierre Bourdieu). In these interactions law can be seen as a key element that not only structures relations but is appropriated and manipulated by actors to justify their interests. The analysis of this specific case contributes to the understanding of indigenous politics in relation to processes of development.Ítem IMPACTOS SOCIALES Y CULTURALES DEL PROYECTO HIDROELÉCTRICO DIQUÍS HACIA LOS PUEBLOS INDÍGENAS DE BUENOS AIRES(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Guevara Víquez, FedericoThe present article approaches different types of impacts of social and cultural nature that the hydroelectric project El Diquís (PHED) generates to the indigenous population in the region of Buenos Aires de Puntarenas, in the south pacific of Costa Rica.Ítem Construyendo caminos de diálogo entre una universidad y comunidades indígenas del Departamento de Antioquia - Colombia(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Sierra, Zayda; Rojas, Alba LucíaPedagogy inside universities has a colonizing role. This explains the discomfort of indigenous communities towards the academy, as well as the research in the universities. This article shares some experiences of the Antioquia University Diverser Group that attempts to build a pedagogical-investigative cooperation with indigenous comunities of the region oriented to the transformation of the university.Ítem IMAGEN, ESCRITURA Y DIFERENCIA CULTURAL EN LA CONQUISTA DE AMÉRICA(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Martínez Toledo, YanetThe construction of the Other in the process of conquest of America in the sixteenth century, despite its multidimensionality could be summed up in one constant: the ranking of Spanish “Self”, through the establishment of cultural difference. The interpretation that makes the conquerors of the indigenous culture is not only biased and culturally situated. With its claim to universality is trying to show the superiority of the world regarding indigenous civilization. The concepts of image and writing, will be central in building the other, mediated by the difference.Ítem IDENTIDAD EN LA COMUNIDAD INDÍGENA DE TÉRRABA: UN CASO DE REVITALIZACIÓN(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Díaz Azofeifa, GisellaThe indigenous people of Térraba has been considered to be one of the most transculturized indigenous people in Costa Rica. In recent years, nevertheless, a gradual revitalization process of the cultural identity and ethnic revival has emerged from within the indigenous community of Térraba. This article intends to analyze this process from a historical and contextual perspective, in order to comprehend the motivations and general characteristics of this identity revival and ethnicity.Ítem BETWEEN TRADITION AND MODERNITY: CHANGING GENDER ROLES AMONG THE BRIBRI AND BORUCA WOMEN OF COSTA RICA(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Stevens Rojas, DaisyThis work discusses the changing social roles of women from the Bribri and Boruca indigenous people located in the Central Valley region of Costa Rica. Ethnographic data collected over several years from women who have left indigenous villages as well as those who have remained reveals how roles, relationships and representation among the groups have been affected.Ítem Continuidad y discontinuidad en el trabajo artesanal: experiencias del proyecto diccionario de artefactos arqueológicos y etnológicos de Costa Rica(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Aguilar Bonilla, Mónica; Chang Vargas, GiselleThis is an analytical progress report on the data of the “Diccionario de objetos arqueológicos y etnológicos de Costa Rica”, a project supported by the Office of the Vice Rector of Research of the University of Costa Rica. It is an interdisciplinary study that systematizes the existing lexical variety regarding the production of artisan objects that are traditional or part of the national heritage. More than a linguistic document, it contextualizes artisan work in the country, viewed from the pre-Columbian period through the present. Entries are organized according to raw materials and geographical setting, which permits an analysis of continuity and change in the production and consumption of these items.Ítem PRUEBAS DE LOS MÉTODOS GEOFÍSICOS EN EL SITIO ARQUEOLÓGICO CUBUJUQUÍ (H-7 CQ), HORQUETAS DE SARAPIQUÍ, PROVINCIA DE HEREDIA. COSTA RICA(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Arias Salguero, Mario Enrique; Maloof, George O.The Cubujuquí archaeological site was surveyed using electrical resistivity and magnetometry geophysical methods in order to investigate the results of these methods over a paved causeway that had been discovered during previous investigations. Trials made with both methods showed that electrical resistivity can produce positive information about an archaeological feature while the magnetometer did not produce any useful information from an archaeological point-of-view. Although the magnetometer showed its ineffectiveness at this site, the investigation was successful in showing that geophysical methods can play an important role in archaeological research projects in the preliminary survey and the planning of excavation units.Ítem UNIDAD Y HETEROGENEIDAD DURANTE EL PERÍODO FORMATIVO EN COSTA RICA (2000-300 a.C.), UNA PROPUESTA DE INTERACCIÓN CULTURAL(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Reyes Paniagua, Eduardo JoséThis article contextualizes the importance of semiotics on a general level next to Archaeology. It also uses semiotics as basis for the development of an interaction model in Costa Rica during the Formative Period (2.000-300 a.C) as a part of the Isthmo-Colombian Area. The model that it presents includes some elements that should be considered by those authors that perceive the Isthmo-Colombian Area as a cultural unit.Ítem AGUA CALIENTE, ESPACIALIDAD Y ARQUITECTURA EN UNA COMUNIDAD NUCLEADA ANTIGUA DE COSTA RICA(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Peytrequín Gómez, JeffreyThis article explores the architectural specificities of Agua Caliente de Cartago (C-35AC), an archaeological site located in the Costa Rica’s central area. This community, circa 600 A.D., was an ideological-political center with a spatial distribution that permitted diverse activities to take place. These practices reflect rank social relations at a chiefdom level. Several dwelling structures were at Agua Caliente, as were stone wall dams, paved streets and huge cemeteries. These constructions shared particular characteristics. The material culture suggests that this site was a significant space in the regional culture.Ítem PASEOS POR UNA PEQUEÑA CIUDAD: LOS RELATOS COTIDIANOS DEL PATRIMONIO HISTÓRICO ARQUITECTÓNICO DE ALAJUELA(2013-01-29 16:15:23) Barrantes Jiménez, CeliaIn this article we deal with historic and architectural heritage in the city of Alajuela as the expression that transmits a thought through its physical exposure and the social imaginary of what makes it a patrimony.