Volumen 37, Número 1
URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/10669/14462
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Ítem Reseñas(2012-10-11 00:00:00) Chen Sham, Jorge; Cota Torres, Édgar; Cuvardic García, DordeÍtem LO IMAGINARIO: UN POSIBLE ACERCAMIENTO ENTRE BACHELARD Y CASTORIADIS(2012-10-11 00:00:00) Campos Salas, JeannetteThis article stablishes some paralelisms beetwen the conception of the imaginary in Gastón Bachelard with the imaginary like creation in the social-historic domain of Cornelius Castoriadis. In same way it analizes the ontology of the creative image in Bachelard and the ontology of the social phenomenon in Castoriadis.Ítem EL ORIGEN DE LAS PREPOSICIONES EN ESPAÑOL(2012-10-11 00:00:00) Portilla Chaves, MarioThis article examines the origin of prepositions in Spanish. Both the etymological analysis of simple etymologies as the synchronic study of prepositional phrases show that this word class is very akin to adverbs as nouns, from which they derive ultimately.Ítem LA CARICATURA EDITORIAL COLOMBIANA. UNA PERSPECTIVA SEMÁNTICA Y PRAGMÁTICA(2012-10-11 00:00:00) Martínez Valencia, FranciaEditorial cartoons have been used as a mechanism of opinion, humor, and satire and of course as a tool of political and social criticism for many years. They generally use a picture and text with the purpose of transmitting a message. Therefore the impact of the cartoons lies either in the picture or in the text or in both. The main purpose of this article is to analyze, from a semantic and pragmatic approach, the discourse of more than 126 cartoons from different Colombian newspapers between 2010 and May 2011. The main findings suggested that: a) the Colombian ex-President, Álvaro Uribe, is the most popular character in the cartoons, whereas corruption is the most frequent topic; b) The most common words used in the cartoons’ discourse are chuzadas, Agro Ingreso Seguro, false positive; c) Finally, the most frequent speech acts used in the dialogues are assertions, questions and exclamations.Ítem ESTADO DE CONSERVACIÓN Y DOCUMENTACIÓN DE LAS LENGUAS DE AMÉRICA CENTRAL PERTENECIENTES A LAS AGRUPACIONES JICAQUE, LENCA, MISUMALPA, CHIBCHENSE Y CHOCÓ(2012-10-11 00:00:00) Constenla Umaña, AdolfoThis article focuses on the state of conservation and documentation of the indigenous languages of Central America including the linguistic area of Colombia-Central America (parallel to a high degree with the archaeological area called lower Central America), languages all of which belong to one of the following five genealogical families: Jicaquean, Lencan, Misumalpan, Chibchense and Choco.Ítem ESTRATEGIAS PARA EL DESARROLLO DE LA COMPETENCIA COMUNICATIVA EN LA FASE DE LA PREESCRITURA(2012-10-11 00:00:00) Madrigal Abarca, MartaThe process to the written form concepts, ideas and thoughts at times is very complex, as a written text is the product of a series of complex mental operations. Start is often the hardest part, even if the author has in mind what you mean. However, there are various useful resources to facilitate this process. The purpose of this article is to show some techniques under the phase of the pre-writing for the planning of a written text. These strategies developed through different forms –quick writing, graphics or diagrams– can help the writer to achieve a product textual cohesive and coherent.Ítem LA FLANEUSE EN LA HISTORIA DE LA CULTURA OCCIDENTAL(2012-10-11 00:00:00) Cuvardic García, DordeThis article summarizes the state of international research on the figure of the flaneuse. Some expressions of the flaneuse are also researched through the history of literature, as well as investigating the different social practices in which they can be involved. From an historical category perspective, the initial research on the flaneuse denied the possibility of her existence, in terms of the different access men and women have experienced on public spaces in the West. From a conceptual category perspective, other researchers have proposed the existence of different types of flaneuses (the female passer-by enjoying free access to public spaces, the female social researcher, the female pollster, the female social worker, the female consumer, the female movie goer). Now, research analyzes different experiences women have expressed about their access to public spaces in several types of autobiographical writings: in this case, the passante, object of the flaneur’s visual pleasure, gives way to the flaneuse, the woman expressing her own subjectivity.Ítem BRUJAS, COQUETAS Y CIUDADANAS: LA ESCRITURA DE ALECIA MARCIANO CONTRA LA HISTORIA(2012-10-11 00:00:00) Libertad Suárez, MarianaIn the book Leyendo como mujer la imagen de la mujer (1996), Lola Luna proposes that it is necessary to reconstruct the past, taking into account women’s experience. These foundations allow us to understand the novel Bruja del Ávila (1957), by Venezuelan writer Alecia Marciano. With this reading we delve into the position of the writer in the cultural field, how she writes herself into the national history, and how she breaks the stories that created the idea of development.Ítem EL TABÚ LINGÜÍSTICO EN EL ESPAÑOL DE SAN JOSÉ: ESTUDIO PILOTO(2012-10-11 00:00:00) Calvo Shadid, AnnetteThis article presents the results of sociolinguistic research carried out during 2005 as a pilot study on the use of verbal sexual taboos in the district of Sabanilla de Montes de Oca. The study takes into consideration formal and informal situations and three socio-demographic variables (sex, age and educational level), as well as a list of synonyms indicating which are more formal or less formal and which are viewed as stronger or weaker taboos. The study concluded that tabooed vocabulary is generally used more frequently by men who are between the ages of 25 and 35, in private situations with their spouse or friends, and by people with a secondary education.Ítem EL NOCTURNO Y LAS INTERROGANTES DE LA REFLEXIÓN DIVINA EN MILAGRO ABIERTO DE JORGE DEBRAVO(2012-10-11 00:00:00) Chen Sham, JorgeIn his collection of poetry, Milagro Abiero (1969), Jorge Debravo directs at us a devastating and piteous cry at the divinity and what it does, mainly, at night. Under the thematic modality of the religious nocturne, the Costa Rican poet potentializes and emphasizes that constant in which the night summons and strengthens human and spiritual bonds, which would explain the reasons for which Debravo continues cultivating the nocturne. He calls to our attention the impression that the search for transcendence acquires in the work of the Costa Rican poet in that stimulating dialogue with those in the Hispanic poetic vanguard, mainly, Miguel Hernández, César Vallejo and Pablo Neruda.Ítem INTRATEXTUALIDAD EN EL POEMA “LOS HERALDOS NEGROS” DE CÉSAR VALLEJO, VERSIÓN PRIMERA- VERSIÓN OFICIAL, E INTERTEXTUALIDAD CON EL GRITO DE EDVARD MUNCH(2012-10-11 00:00:00) Campos López, RonaldThe aim is to analyze intratextual relations between the first version and the official version of the poem “The Black Heralds” by Cesar Vallejo, based on the phonetic, semic and syntagmatic graphics of the Baroque text according to Severo Sarduy; in addition, the intertextual relations of both texts are compared to “The Scream” by Edvard Munch, as reminiscent of a textuality of existential perspective.Ítem SULPICIA: UNA SOBREVIVIENTE DE LA LITERATURA FEMENINA EN ROMA(2012-10-11 00:00:00) Campos Vargas, HenryThis paper offers a translation of six Sulpicia ́s poems. Also it includes an introduction about per- sonality he authoress and context of her work with a glossary of poems.