Volumen 2, Número 2

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/10669/12529


Envíos recientes

Mostrando 1 - 8 de 8
  • Ítem
    Wikipedia: a new community of practice?, Dan O'Sullivan
    (2013-04-06 04:49:26) Herrera Delgado, Lizbeth Berenice
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    SOMOS INFORMACION. La nueva ciencia de lo intangible
    (2013-04-06 04:49:26) Sarasqueta, Antxón
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    Primer Congreso Nacional de Información para el Desarrollo: “Costa Rica hacia la sociedad de la información de todos para todos” : Informe final mesas de trabajo
    (2013-04-06 04:49:26) Gil Calderón, Marcela
    It presents the final report of the working groups of the First National Congress on Information for Development "Costa Rica to the information society for all" held on September 29-30 and October 1, 2010, at the University of Costa Rica, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Costa Rica and organized by the School of Library Science at the University of Costa Rica.
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    Los guardianes de la memoria
    (2013-04-06 04:49:26) Villalobos Villalobos, Carlos Manuel
    Palabras pronunciadas en el marco del 40 aniversario de la Asociación de Estudiantes de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información, 27 de abril de 2012
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    The Social Networks present in Libraries
    (2013-04-06 04:49:26) Sandí Sandí, Magda Cecilia
    This article shows the importance of the social networks and the current use in the libraries.  In fact, the social networks are tools and ways of communications between the librarian and the users communities.  Nowdays, the social networks also are a new way to talk between the communities the users in Internet, it use is unlimited and increase more and more the users in the Net.
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    ¿Qué lee la población estudiantil de Comunicación Colectiva de la Universidad de Costa Rica?
    (2013-04-06 04:49:26) Rodríguez Álvarez, Juan Antonio; de la Cruz Malavassi, Sonia
    This article presents the reading habits of the students from the Collective Communication Sciences School from the University of Costa Rica. Moreover, it identifies the different habits by age and sex. This study is included in the results of the first Media Consumption Census held by this academic unit as part of the Pressing Educational Communication Research Project.
  • Ítem
    New competencies required to manage data, information and knowledge
    (2013-04-06 04:49:26) Sequeira, Deyanira
    Several issues have changed de world where information professionals used to work and be successful. Those issues have been analyzed in several reports, like the one from the Institute for the Future a Phoenix University. These changes in society and culture have an impact in the labor environment and in the information science jobs. New abilities and capacities are required to accomplish tasks, to innovate and be part in the development of our societies.
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    Methodology for Making Bio-Bibliographies
    (2013-04-06 04:49:26) Jaén García, Luis Fernando
    Bio-bliographies collect personal, professional, and academic data from an individual who hasexcelled in his/her professional career. Therefore, this article presents a methodologicalproposal for making bio-bibliographies; it takes into consideration the biographee, datacollection, interviews, biography, bibliography, and formal submission of the work.