Volumen 4, Número 2

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/10669/12569


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  • Ítem
    Socio-technological proposal for development of open access repositories adapted to Argentine´s universities context
    (2014-07-01 00:00:00) San Martín, Patricia Silvana; Guarnieri, Griselda; Bongiovani, Paola
    The paper shows the main result of the scientific-technological investigation project “Towards the development and the use of Institutional Repositories of Open Access for Educational Digital Objects in the context of public universities belonging to the mid-east area of Argentina”. Its objective is to design and propose a prior theoretical, methodological and technological model, which is experimental, of Open Access Institutional Repositories for Educational Digital Objects. In view of the theoretical and methodological framework of Dynamic Hypermedial Device, a socio-technological approach was adopted. Therefore, qualitative and software engineering instruments and methodological techniques were implemented. Based on DSpace diagnostics data usability problems and viewing needs and publications practices in open access of the regional academic community, we develop a First Experimental Prototype for Educational Digital Objects with DSpace technology. Design options in terms of internal organization, visibility and usability of the prototype are explained. About the internal organization, 12 collections of various types of Educational Digital Objects were predetermined. Observing the definition of required and optional fields of metadata for each collection combining Dublin Core and Learning Object Metadata metadata standards. About usability, First Experimental Prototype improvement and assessments conducted by academics from the participating universities are presented. These evaluations show an improvement in self-archiving conditions and the possibility to create publication models more efficient, inclusive and open.
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    Open Access and Free Software
    (2014-07-01 00:00:00) Echeverría, Manuel Alejandro
    Open Access and Free Software
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    The scientific academic journal article: Guidelines for planning and editing according to the APA model
    (2014-07-01 00:00:00) Camacho Villalobos, María Elena; Rojas Porras, Marta; Rojas Blanco, Lillyam
    This article was based on the authors´ experience as directors and editors of academic journals, participation in editorial committees, text arbitration, dictated lessons on article writing and writing in general and philological evaluation. Through these experiences, the authors have detected many difficulties in the writing of an article; therefore, they purpose a set of quality indicators and relevant information regarding the selection of the publication mode, general format, types and parts of the article; the construction of cohesiveness and coherence; text planification and paraphrase construction. They outline the elements that should be checked over before submitting an article as well as the estrategies to present it to a journal. With all these, they tend to details related to the article´s formal and pragmatic means. Both synthesis and analysis become tools for the development of paraphrasing; and therefore, approaching them has been considered relevant, mainly because it enables the gathering of information coming from diverse sources and its adequate utilization in a document. Finally, they emphasize the idea that writing is an act of communication through which, the author should colaborate with the potential readers offering them a cohesive, coherent, concise and plain text.
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    Conceptual aspects for research on reference services in libraries
    (2014-07-01 00:00:00) Unfried González, Alejandro José
    To conduct a library and information science research which takes as its object the activities grouped under the term reference, it is necessary to recognize the complexity of this object and build the right concepts to approach it. With the term reference a complex library activity -that can be addressed, at least from four different perspectives determined by the use of one or more key concepts- is designated. The concept of reference work allows to address the work of the reference librarian in providing service, which provides an important theoretical distinction between functions performed by people and services offered by the institution, and ascribes the activity to a broader notion that appears to be suitable to characterize it: the notion of assisting, which grants a place not only to each of the traditionally recognized reference and information service tasks but also to its creative and productive dimension, which in turn raises the possibility of a qualitative research approach.
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    Technology Contributions to Library
    (2014-07-01 00:00:00) Saborío Acuña, José Iván
    Technology Contributions to Library
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    Methodology for the migration of bibliographic data between automation software: from ECLAC to MARC
    (2014-07-01 00:00:00) Saborío Acuña, José Iván; Chinchilla Arley, Ricardo
    At present there are still many bibliographic databases designed in WinIsis on ECLAC exchange format information, however, the trend of new software management information units is the use of MARC21 format, with the drawback that both formats are incompatible with each other. This document provides guidance for migrating from ECLAC format to MARC21 format using a conversion table of fields in a FST export. It also built an intermediate database in which the converted data WinIsis emptied. Subsequently, the process of converting an output file ISO2709 to a file pure MARC, which can be loaded from any system of information management units described generation. It also describes the process of debugging the same program using the MARCEdit and an example of the final charge is made in the application of automation EspaBiblio 3.2. It is concluded that the process of migration to respond to a previously defined project and the importance of debugging to ensure the purity of the data.
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    CAPTCHA: a solution for computer security or a problem to access/ use the web?
    (2014-07-01 00:00:00) Vega, Omar Antonio; Vinasco Salazar, Ronald Eduardo
    CAPTCHAs, which constitute the most widely used human interactive proofs (HIP), appear as a method of differentiation between human computer users and machines to provide security for information on the Internet and avoid spam, especially. Therefore, this paper makes an introductory presentation of HIPs, and then delves into CAPTCHAs, their evolution and classification, specifying their generation techniques, some of its applications and types of attacks to which they are subjected. It then discusses some implications that CAPTCHAs have had on usability/accessibility to the Internet services for human users, which leads to the question of whether they become a new problem, rather than a solution.
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    Diagnosis of managerial competencies of Costa Rican archivists
    (2014-07-01 00:00:00) Zamora Guzmán, Katia
    Now days the role of the archivist in public institutions is strategic and adds value to the development of the mission of such institutions. Due to the importance of the above, a diagnose of management competencies was performed, based on a query made with a survey to personnel responsible for managing the central archives of the Costa Rican public sector. The objective of this paper is to present the results of the study performed. Some of the results that this diagnosis showed are that respondents agreed that those responsible for central files should be considered managers, thus requiring management skills to their performance. However, half of respondents considered that the training in the career of Archives at the Universidad de Costa Rica, does not provide the required training to manage a central archive, given this fact the respondents proposed to be give a managerial approach to this career.