e-Ciencias de la Información 2(1)

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/10669/12520


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  • Ítem
    Teaching mass communication with concept maps: experiences and opportunities
    (2012-01-01 00:00:00) Araya Rivera, Carlos
    In this paper we review some experiences in the use of concept maps for teaching in the Mass Communication Sciences, that were developed by the author in three courses at the University of Costa Rica from 2007 to 2010. It evaluates the application of this tool and its learning opportunities, as well as some recommendations to achieve the potential of concept maps.
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    Competitiveness and Indicators in the Library of the University for Peace
    (2012-01-01 00:00:00) Moraga Vega, Katia
    Considering that libraries today are also viewed as corporate organizations, this article focuses on addressing competitiveness aspects in order to apply and list the appropriate indicators for the Mandated United Nations University for Peace Library, reinforcing the organization’s library aim of innovation and added value. The Library incorporates technological information resources to support international faculty and students. Given this approach, indicators are intended to enhance performance and encourage development opportunities to achieve a competitive corporate image.
  • Ítem
    Implementation of computer applications based on Free Software in Libraries and Units of Information
    (2012-01-01 00:00:00) Herrera Burgos, Rolando
    The libraries and units of information of nowadays play a role of great importance in the diffusion of the human knowledge. They have had to transform to offer new services and to face the fact that the users of nowadays make use of the digital technology to accede to the sources of data without pausing to think about the quality of the obtained data. The union between the library and Free Software is natural since in a fundamental base it looks for that the user has access without you limit and without restrictions.
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    Strategic management and automation of information units
    (2012-01-01 00:00:00) Fernández Morales, Mynor
    This article provides strategic guidance to prioritize which functions should be automated in a library, noting that today there is a rapid development of information technologies, coupled with increasing demand to automate the information units, with considering that resources are limited and must be allocated in the most effective and efficient manner. This provides effective guidance from the perspective of strategic management to help in where to allocate limited resources to automate the functions of the reporting unit, which will facilitate the achievement of its vision through a rational use of resources allocated. Although strategic planning has lost relevance in recent years, this is due to strategic plans often become documents that are archived on the shelves of organizations because they do not provide a clear method for implementing the strategies outlined in these patients. Thus here we introduce the Balanced Scorecard, which is a proven and useful to implement the strategies associated with strategic management, that facilitate the implementation and monitoring of strategies defined for the accomplishment of the mission/vision established for Information Unit.
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    Plagiarism and its impact on academic and professional scopes
    (2012-08-22 00:00:00) Soto Rodríguez, Armando
    Plagiarism is a serious problem worldwide, that violates copyright and is ethically reprehensible. This article will explain the concept of plagiarism and the different types of plagiarism, for later analysis of the impact this has on academic and professional level. Some cases of plagiarism at global and national levels will be presented to give an idea of the seriousness of this problem and that is becoming very common. While there are laws that protect the rights of copyright, plagiarism is not duly classified as a criminal offence in all countries, which makes many times these behaviors be unpunished. Plagiarism education must be improved to thus help to prevent it in the future.
  • Ítem
    The Bibliotecology and its social projection
    (2011-01-01 00:00:00) Gil Calderón, Marcela
    An exploratory study whose general objective was to conduct an assessment of the situation of access to bibliographic information on Costa Rica, by the following user groups: the disabled, prisoners, the elderly and long-stay inpatients; during the period between 2006-2008. Both for the collection and to data analysis, was used as base the technical guidelines developed by the Library Services for people with special needs of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, known by its acronym in English as IFLA. The diagnostic results indicate that access to bibliographic information is being provided to some extent to people with disabilities and older adults, while the detainees and long-stay hospitalized persons are deprived of these services.
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    Information science as platform to enhance information flow studies in organizations
    (2012-01-01 00:00:00) Martínez Musiño, Celso
    Descriptive research which objectives are: to analyze concepts as information and information science and their incidence in organizations; b) to identifier how information science gives elements to study information flow in organizations. The method used is the literature search and document retrieval in specialized databases, and its analysis. As result of these analyses it proposes some principles as introduction to study of information flow in organizations. Principal conclusions are: information is an element that slows down uncertainty and it help to make decisions; information is the principal element of information science; information science can be considered as multidisciplinary; information science is framed in a transition step: from information society to knowledge society; organization are in this transition process; organizations requires information to make better decisions; organizations can support in information science to study their information flows.