Revista de Biología Tropical Vol.60 (suppl. 3)

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    Diccionario histórico-toponímico de la Isla del Coco, Costa Rica
    (2012-09) Díaz Bolaños, Ronald Eduardo; Alfaro Martínez, Eric J.; Ugalde Quesada, Alexia
    Many names have been used for the different places of Isla del Coco, and some have changed over time. Studying different historic sources, seventy-six names of the main topographic features were collected for Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica. These names could be grouped in four main categories: those associated with the British traveler’s visitations, the ones related with the republican period of Costa Rica and those linked with the island’s terrestrial and marine flora and fauna. The methodology used allowed the proper documentation of seventy-one names. This methodology and the publication of this dictionary intend to generate a feedback regarding the naming of topographic characters of Isla del Coco.
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    Rasgos morfológicos alrededor de la Isla del Coco y de sus montes submarinos vecinos, Pacífico de Costa Rica
    (2012-09) Lizano Rodríguez, Omar Gerardo
    The UNESCO GEBCO-08 bathymetric data was used to study the marine provinces around Isla del Coco. Seamounts with depths of less than 1000m from the sea surface were analyzed. Seamounts southward, southeastward and westward of the island, were identified at depths of 300m from the sea surface, and with heights up to 2700m from the marine bottom. The ecological interconnection of these mountains with Isla del Coco has to be effective, as it could also be within the biological corridor of Eastern Tropical Pacific. A better resolution study around Isla del Coco was done to identify details of the insular platform. A seamount to 14.8km northeast of the island was found, with measured depths of 30-40m, and so far, not reported. This feature explains the presence of fishermen around this site, which is known by them as a place with high productivity. Although more studies are needed, the limits and environmental policies should be modified so as to adequately protect these seamounts, which probably have an important ecological connection with Isla del Coco.
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    Global Model selection for evaluation of Climate Change projections in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape
    (Revista Biología Tropical 60 (3): 67-81, 2012-11) Hidalgo León, Hugo G.; Alfaro Martínez, Eric J.
    Two methods for selecting a subset of simulations and/or general circulation models (GCMs) from a set of 30 available simulations are compared: 1) Selecting the models based on their performance on reproducing 20th century climate, and 2) random sampling. In the first case, it was found that the performance methodology is very sensitive to the type and number of metrics used to rank the models and therefore the results are not robust to these conditions. In general, including more models in a multi-model ensemble according to their rank (of skill in reproducing 20th century climate) results in an increase in the multi-model skill up to a certain point and then the inclusion of more models degrades the skill of the multi-model ensemble. In a similar fashion when the models are introduced in the ensemble at random, there is a point where the inclusion of more models does not change significantly the skill of the multi-model ensemble. For precipitation the subset of models that produces the maximum skill in reproducing 20th century climate also showed some skill in reproducing the climate change projections of the multi-model ensemble of all simulations. For temperature, more models/simulations are needed to be included in the ensemble (at the expense of a decrease in the skill of reproducing the climate of the 20th century for the selection based on their ranks). For precipitation and temperature the use of 7 simulations out of 30 resulted in the maximum skill for both approaches to introduce the models.
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    Revisión y comparación de escenarios de cambio climático para el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Costa Rica
    (Revista Biología Tropical 60(3): 83-112, 2012-11) Maldonado Mora, Tito José; Alfaro Martínez, Eric J.
    Different climate change scenarios were revised and compared for Cocos Island National Park, Costa Rica. They were generated using different tools (MAGICC/SCENGEN, PRECIS and SDSM) and for the 2080 (2070- 2099) time slice. Results shown in general a high dependence with the General Circulation Model, the downscaling technique and the socioeconomic scenario used. All scenarios presented an increase in mean and variance of the air surface temperature annual cycle. That result is also consistent with a future global warming scenario. Results for rainfall are different among each other. Most of the scenarios show an increase in the mean annual rainfall accumulation. However, it is not possible to establish a clear trend when annual variability is considered, mainly because almost all of the scenarios studied projected an increase in the annual rainfall accumulates. Citation: Maldonado, T.J. & E.J. Alfaro. 2012. Revisión y comparación de escenarios de Cambio Climático para el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Costa Rica.