Alternativa de producción y mercado de tres cultivares de coliflor (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis)
Bermúdez D., Héctor
González Mora, Walter
Hernández López, Jesús
Arias, Edgar
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Se plantaron tres cultivares de coliflor en Fraijanes, Alajuela, para evaluar el comportamiento agronómico, producción rentabilidad, características organolépticas en el laboratorio y aceptación visual en el mercado. La mayor rentabilidad (214,55%) se obtuvo con el cultivar Snow Diana; le siguió el cultivar Snow Crown y el Snow Ball X, con proporciones del 153,39 y 13,65% respectivamente. El de mayor aceptación por los consumidores (83,33% de preferencia) fue el Snow Diana. En el laboratorio el cultivar Snow Diana y el Snow Crown tuvieron la mejor apariencia, color, sabor y textura.
Three cauliflower cultivars were plated at Fraijanes, Alajuela, to evaluate agronomic performance, yield, profitability, organol eptic characteristics in the laboratory and market visual acceptance. The greater profitability (214,55%) was obtained with the Snow Diana cultivar, followed by cv. Snow Crown and Snow Ball X with 153,39 and 13,65% rates, respectively. Greater consummer acceptance was granted to cv. Snow Diana (83, 33% preference). In the laboratory, cvs. Snow and Snow Crown had the best appearance, color, flavor and texture.
Three cauliflower cultivars were plated at Fraijanes, Alajuela, to evaluate agronomic performance, yield, profitability, organol eptic characteristics in the laboratory and market visual acceptance. The greater profitability (214,55%) was obtained with the Snow Diana cultivar, followed by cv. Snow Crown and Snow Ball X with 153,39 and 13,65% rates, respectively. Greater consummer acceptance was granted to cv. Snow Diana (83, 33% preference). In the laboratory, cvs. Snow and Snow Crown had the best appearance, color, flavor and texture.