Revisión de la actualización en la clasificación morfológica y molecular de los meduloblastomas de sistema nervioso central y su diagnóstico integrado según la nueva clasificación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)
Gutiérrez Araya, Daniel Alberto
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Desde la primera clasificación de tumores de sistema nervioso central de la Organización Mundial de la Salud en el año 1979, se ha venido actualizando sucesivamente hasta la última vigente correspondiente con la quinta edición considerada la sexta versión desde la primera.
En las últimas ediciones los biomarcadores moleculares han tomado importancia y en ocasiones son esenciales para el ejercicio diagnóstico. Un gran avance en el campo de la neuropatología es la elaboración de perfiles de metilación (matrices que determinan patrones de metilación del ADN en todo el genoma) y esto se ha convertido en una herramienta de mucha utilidad para la clasificación de tumores del Sistema Nervioso Central.
El meduloblastoma representa aproximadamente el 20% de los tumores cerebrales infantiles y el 63% de los tumores embrionarios intracraneales, ocupando el primer puesto como tumor maligno intracerebral maligno en la infancia. La clasificación histopatológica del meduloblastoma, que también se incluye desde 2016, abarca cuatro tipos morfológicos: clásico, desmoplásico/nodular, meduloblastoma con nodularidad extensa (MBEN) y de células grandes/anaplásico. También se deben clasificar molecularmente en meduloblastomas SHH activado (TP53 mutado o tipo salvaje), WNT activado o no SHH / no WNT (grupo 3 y 4). Cada uno de estos grupos se asocia más a un tipo morfológico y un comportamiento biológico.
Las manifestaciones clínicas son las típicas de una lesión espacio ocupante con signos y síntomas de hipertensión intracraneal. La diseminación del meduloblastoma a lo largo del eje craneoespinal es uno de los predictores de resultado más importantes, por lo que los estudios de imagen y líquido cefalorraquídeo son fundamentales en estos pacientes. Además, también se cuenta con análisis de ADN proveniente de células tumorales en biopsias liquidas obtenidas de líquido cefalorraquídeo o sangre.
En este trabajo se caracterizan detalladamente las manifestaciones clínicas, hallazgos imagenológicos, los mecanismos moleculares asociados a cada grupo de meduloblastoma y sus características morfológicas tanto macroscópicas como microscópicas y citológicas. También se describirá una clasificación molecular basada en un panel de inmunohistoquímica que podría ser de ayuda en países donde no se cuenta con la tecnología necesaria para realizar perfiles de metilación.
Since the first classification of central nervous system tumors by the World Health Organization in 1979, it has been continuously updated up to the latest version corresponding to the fifth edition, considered the sixth version since the first. In recent editions, molecular biomarkers have become important and are sometimes essential for diagnostic purposes. A significant advancement in neuropathology is the development of methylation profiles (matrices that determine DNA methylation patterns across the genome), which has become a highly useful tool for classifying central nervous system tumors. Medulloblastoma represents approximately 20% of childhood brain tumors and 63% of intracranial embryonal tumors, ranking as the most common malignant intracerebral tumor in childhood. The histopathological classification of medulloblastoma, also included since 2016, encompasses four morphological types: classic, desmoplastic/nodular, medulloblastoma with extensive nodularity (MBEN), and large cell/anaplastic. They should also be molecularly classified into activated Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) medulloblastomas (TP53 mutated or wild type), activated WNT, or non-SHH/non-WNT (groups 3 and 4). Each of these groups is associated with a specific morphological type and biological behavior. The clinical manifestations are typical of a space-occupying lesion with signs and symptoms of intracranial hypertension. The dissemination of medulloblastoma along the craniospinal axis is one of the most important outcome predictors, so imaging studies and cerebrospinal fluid analysis are crucial in these patients. Additionally, DNA analysis from tumor cells in liquid biopsies obtained from cerebrospinal fluid or blood is also available. This work thoroughly characterizes the clinical manifestations, imaging findings, molecular mechanisms associated with each medulloblastoma group, and their macroscopic, microscopic, and cytological characteristics. It will also describe a molecular classification based on an immunohistochemistry panel that could be helpful in countries where the necessary technology for methylation profiling is not yet available.
Since the first classification of central nervous system tumors by the World Health Organization in 1979, it has been continuously updated up to the latest version corresponding to the fifth edition, considered the sixth version since the first. In recent editions, molecular biomarkers have become important and are sometimes essential for diagnostic purposes. A significant advancement in neuropathology is the development of methylation profiles (matrices that determine DNA methylation patterns across the genome), which has become a highly useful tool for classifying central nervous system tumors. Medulloblastoma represents approximately 20% of childhood brain tumors and 63% of intracranial embryonal tumors, ranking as the most common malignant intracerebral tumor in childhood. The histopathological classification of medulloblastoma, also included since 2016, encompasses four morphological types: classic, desmoplastic/nodular, medulloblastoma with extensive nodularity (MBEN), and large cell/anaplastic. They should also be molecularly classified into activated Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) medulloblastomas (TP53 mutated or wild type), activated WNT, or non-SHH/non-WNT (groups 3 and 4). Each of these groups is associated with a specific morphological type and biological behavior. The clinical manifestations are typical of a space-occupying lesion with signs and symptoms of intracranial hypertension. The dissemination of medulloblastoma along the craniospinal axis is one of the most important outcome predictors, so imaging studies and cerebrospinal fluid analysis are crucial in these patients. Additionally, DNA analysis from tumor cells in liquid biopsies obtained from cerebrospinal fluid or blood is also available. This work thoroughly characterizes the clinical manifestations, imaging findings, molecular mechanisms associated with each medulloblastoma group, and their macroscopic, microscopic, and cytological characteristics. It will also describe a molecular classification based on an immunohistochemistry panel that could be helpful in countries where the necessary technology for methylation profiling is not yet available.
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