Las plantas vasculares de El Rodeo, Costa Rica
artículo original
Cascante Marín, Alfredo
Estrada Chavarría, Armando
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La documentación florística de El Rodeo se remonta a finales del siglo XIX y a la fecha se conocen 1 034 especies de plantas vasculares nativas o naturalizadas y 47 especies introducidas cultivadas (ornamentals o de interés agrícola). Las primeras se distribuyen entre 138 familias y 581 géneros, representando cerca del 9% de las especies presentes en el país. Las familias de plantas más diversas son Fabaceae, Poaceae y Asteraceae. En la flora existe una proporción importante de hierbas (44%) y enredaderas y bejucos (12%) que puede reflejar la heterogeneidad de los ecosistemas y la presencia de hábitats adecuados (i.e. vegetación secundaria) para las plantas con esas formas de vida. El componente de plantas de hábito epífito es bajo (6,8%), posiblemente debido a la marcada estacionalidad en las lluvias. Están presentes poblaciones de 18 especies que se consideran endémicas de Costa Rica o endémicas regionales (Costa Rica y Panamá), la mayoría subsisten como parte del ecosistema de bosque denso y en menor grado del bosque secundario viejo. La vegetación de El Rodeo tiene una gran afinidad florística con la vegetación de las tierras más secas del Pacífico Norte y del Pacífico Central del país. Se proporciona un listado con anotaciones de la flora.
The floristic documentation of El Rodeo dates from the late XIX century and to date are known 1 034 species of vascular plants native or naturalized and 47 species introduced and cultivated (ornamental or agricultural interest). The first ones are distributed among 138 families and 581 genera, representing about 9% of the species present in the country. The most diverse families are Fabaceae, Poaceae and Asteraceae. An important proportion of herbs (44%) and vines and lianas (12%) were found, which may reflect the heterogeneity of ecosystems and presence of suitable habitats (i.e., secondary vegetation) for plants with these life forms. The epiphytic habit is low (6.8%), possibly due to strong seasonality in rainfall. Populations of 18 species that are considered endemic to Costa Rica or regional endemics (Costa Rica and Panama) are present, many of them remain as part of the dense forest ecosystem and few in the old secondary forest. The vegetation of El Rodeo has a high affinity with the vegetation of drier areas on the North and Central Pacific of the country. An annotated list of the flora is provided.
The floristic documentation of El Rodeo dates from the late XIX century and to date are known 1 034 species of vascular plants native or naturalized and 47 species introduced and cultivated (ornamental or agricultural interest). The first ones are distributed among 138 families and 581 genera, representing about 9% of the species present in the country. The most diverse families are Fabaceae, Poaceae and Asteraceae. An important proportion of herbs (44%) and vines and lianas (12%) were found, which may reflect the heterogeneity of ecosystems and presence of suitable habitats (i.e., secondary vegetation) for plants with these life forms. The epiphytic habit is low (6.8%), possibly due to strong seasonality in rainfall. Populations of 18 species that are considered endemic to Costa Rica or regional endemics (Costa Rica and Panama) are present, many of them remain as part of the dense forest ecosystem and few in the old secondary forest. The vegetation of El Rodeo has a high affinity with the vegetation of drier areas on the North and Central Pacific of the country. An annotated list of the flora is provided.
Palabras clave
Vascular plants, floristic diversity, Premontane Forest, El Rodeo, Costa Rica