Estudio de la dispersión en procedimientos odontológicos usando equipos de rayos X portátiles intraorales
tesis de maestría
Pessoa Quesada, Sasha Olessia
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Los equipos de rayos X manuales son de gran utilidad en la odontología ya que son accesibles y versátiles, sin embargo, el uso manual del emisor puede ser de riesgo para los operadores y demás personal presente en el consultorio. Por lo tanto, esta tesis evalúa los niveles de tasa de dosis equivalente ambiental producida por la radiación dispersa en un maniquí antropomórfico de cabeza, al ser irradiado con un equipo de rayos X manual intraoral, simulando la técnica de la bisectriz para la adquisición de imágenes intraorales periapicales de molar superior. Esta técnica fue elegida ya que simula las condiciones reales de uso del equipo, además, la adquisición de imágenes de los molares es la técnica con mayor tiempo de exposición para este tipo de equipos. Las medidas de la tasa de dosis equivalente ambiental se realizaron con un detector de semiconductor que fue ubicado en diversas posiciones angulares, radiales y verticales para generar tres campos de distribución de la tasa de dosis equivalente ambiental. Esta medición se realizó en dos escenarios, primero con el uso de disco anti-dispersión y se repitieron las mediciones sin el disco anti-dispersión.
Los campos de distribución de la tasa de dosis equivalente ambiental son una representación visual del campo de radiación producido por el equipo de rayos X intraoral. Las figuras obtenidas con la Librería Root, evidencian las asimetrías que provocan las angulaciones del equipo en la distribución de la dosis que llega al operador, así como la variación del campo de radiación con la posición vertical. Este tipo de representaciones son novedosas en la radiología odontológica.
Se crearon gráficas que muestran la efectividad el disco anti-dispersión, que reduce la tasa de dosis equivalente ambiental hasta un 94%. Al evaluar la tasa de dosis equivalente ambiental a una distancia de 0.1 m del emisor, se obtienen valores en el rango de los 0.32 mSv/año y los 11.1 mSv/año utilizando el disco anti-dispersión, esto demuestra la necesidad de utilizar dosimetría personal para manipular los equipos de rayos X portátiles manuales intraorales. Sin embargo, al aumentar la distancia entre la fuente y el operador utilizando el disco anti-dispersión se puede asegurar que las dosis que llegan al operador son menores a 1 mSv/año, por lo que la implementación de buenas prácticas de protección radiológica minimiza las posibilidades de presentar efectos estocásticos de la radiación.
The hand-held dental X-ray equipment are useful in dentistry due to their accessibility and versatility; however, the manual usage of the X-ray generator can be a risk for the user and other staff in the office. Therefore, this thesis evaluates the levels of the ambient equivalent dose rate produced by scattered radiation in an anthropomorphic head phantom while it was irradiated with a hand-held dental X-ray equipment, simulating the bisecting angle technique for periapical radiographies in maxillary molars. This technique was chosen because it recreates the real usage conditions of the equipment, also because the periapical radiography in maxillary molars requires the longest exposure time for this kind of X-ray equipment. The measurement of the ambient equivalent dose rate was performed with a semiconductor´s detector placed in multiple angular, radial and vertical positions to create a distribution field of ambient equivalent dose rate. This measurement was performed in two settings, first with the usage of the anti-scattered shield, and then without the shield. The distribution fields of the ambient equivalent dose rate are a visual representation of the radiation field produced by the intraoral X ray equipment; the figures obtained by the Root Library, show the asymmetries produced by the lateral and vertical angulation of the equipment in the dose distribution that reaches the operator, as well as the variation of the radiation field with the vertical position around the X ray machine. This kind of representation are a novelty in dental radiology. To exhibit the efficiency of the anti-scattered shield a new set of graphs was created, these graphs show a reduction in the dose rate up to 94%. When evaluating the ambient equivalent dose rate at the distance of 0.10 m form the X ray machine using the shield, the ambient equivalent dose rate takes values between 0.32 mSv/year and 11.1 mSv/year. This shows the need of personal dosimetry while using the hand-held dental X-ray equipment for intraoral radiography. Nevertheless, using the shield and increasing the distance between the user and the equipment, it can be ensured that this ambient equivalent dose rates decrease to values under 1 mSv per year. Hence, if good practices of radiologic protection are implemented, the probabilities to present stochastic effect are minimized.
The hand-held dental X-ray equipment are useful in dentistry due to their accessibility and versatility; however, the manual usage of the X-ray generator can be a risk for the user and other staff in the office. Therefore, this thesis evaluates the levels of the ambient equivalent dose rate produced by scattered radiation in an anthropomorphic head phantom while it was irradiated with a hand-held dental X-ray equipment, simulating the bisecting angle technique for periapical radiographies in maxillary molars. This technique was chosen because it recreates the real usage conditions of the equipment, also because the periapical radiography in maxillary molars requires the longest exposure time for this kind of X-ray equipment. The measurement of the ambient equivalent dose rate was performed with a semiconductor´s detector placed in multiple angular, radial and vertical positions to create a distribution field of ambient equivalent dose rate. This measurement was performed in two settings, first with the usage of the anti-scattered shield, and then without the shield. The distribution fields of the ambient equivalent dose rate are a visual representation of the radiation field produced by the intraoral X ray equipment; the figures obtained by the Root Library, show the asymmetries produced by the lateral and vertical angulation of the equipment in the dose distribution that reaches the operator, as well as the variation of the radiation field with the vertical position around the X ray machine. This kind of representation are a novelty in dental radiology. To exhibit the efficiency of the anti-scattered shield a new set of graphs was created, these graphs show a reduction in the dose rate up to 94%. When evaluating the ambient equivalent dose rate at the distance of 0.10 m form the X ray machine using the shield, the ambient equivalent dose rate takes values between 0.32 mSv/year and 11.1 mSv/year. This shows the need of personal dosimetry while using the hand-held dental X-ray equipment for intraoral radiography. Nevertheless, using the shield and increasing the distance between the user and the equipment, it can be ensured that this ambient equivalent dose rates decrease to values under 1 mSv per year. Hence, if good practices of radiologic protection are implemented, the probabilities to present stochastic effect are minimized.
Palabras clave
Rayos X intraoral, Rayos X portátil, Protección Radiológica, Dosis al operador, RAYOS X