Efecto de dos métodos de siembra sobre la severidad de la Mustia Hilachosa (Thanatephorus cucumeris Frank (DONK) en frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
artículo original
Fernández, Oscar
Araya, Rodolfo
Rojas, María del Rosario
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Universidad de Costa Rica
En Esparza Costa Rica, se evaluó el efecto de dos sistemas de siembra: plano y camellón (lomillo), sobre la incidencia de Mustia Hilachosa en ocho variedades y dos líneas de frijol. Se utilizó un diseño en Bloques Completos al azar con un arreglo de tratamientos en parcelas divididas con tres repeticiones. En la parcela se ubicó el sistema de siembra y en la subparcela las variedades y líneas. Se evaluó el rendimiento en grano, número plantas cosechadas con vaina, número vainas por planta y grado de severidad de la telaraña. El estudio se efectuó durante el período comprendido entre el 3 de junio y el 3 de setiembre de 1990. Como testigo con resistencia intermedia se usó la variedad Talamanca. Hubo diferencias significativas entre los sistemas de siembra no así entre las variedades y líneas. La severidad de la enfermedad fue menor en la siembra en camallón, mostrando tina diferencia altamente significativa, al compararlo con el sistema de siembra en plano. Bajo este último sistema, el frijol tuvo una reducción del 59% en el rendimiento.
The effect of two planting systems, flat and on ridges, on the incidence of Web-blight (T. cucumeris Frank Donk) over eight varieties and two lines of common bean (P. vulgaris L.), was evaluated en Esparza, Costa Rica. A Complete Randomized Block experimental design with a splitplot arrangement and three replications was used. The planting method was set in the large plot and the varieties and lines in the split plots. The yield was evaluated in grain, number of harvested plants with pods, number of pods per plant and degree of Web-blight severity. The assay was conducted during the period from June 3rd to September 3rd, 1990. The Talamanca variety, with intermediate resistance, was used as the control. There were significant differences among the planting methods, but not between the varieties and lines. The severity of the disease was lower in the ridge planting, showing a highly significant difference, when compared to the flat planting. Under the latter method, the bean had a 59% yield reduction.
The effect of two planting systems, flat and on ridges, on the incidence of Web-blight (T. cucumeris Frank Donk) over eight varieties and two lines of common bean (P. vulgaris L.), was evaluated en Esparza, Costa Rica. A Complete Randomized Block experimental design with a splitplot arrangement and three replications was used. The planting method was set in the large plot and the varieties and lines in the split plots. The yield was evaluated in grain, number of harvested plants with pods, number of pods per plant and degree of Web-blight severity. The assay was conducted during the period from June 3rd to September 3rd, 1990. The Talamanca variety, with intermediate resistance, was used as the control. There were significant differences among the planting methods, but not between the varieties and lines. The severity of the disease was lower in the ridge planting, showing a highly significant difference, when compared to the flat planting. Under the latter method, the bean had a 59% yield reduction.
Palabras clave
Phaseolus vulgaris, fitomejoramiento, variedades, resistencia a la enfermedad, Thanatephorus, métodos de cultivo, Costa Rica, Phaseolus vulgaris, plant breeding, varieties, disease resistance, Thanatephorus, cultural methods, Costa Rica