Evaluación de mezclas de herbicidas preemergentes y posemergentes para el combate de malezas en chile jalapeño (Capsicum annuum) en dos localidades de Alajuela, Costa Rica
Vargas G., Marlen
Jiménez Q., Mario
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Se realizaron dos experimentos en dos localidades: uno en la Estación Experimental Fabio Baudrit M., localizada en el Barrio San José de Alajuela a 840 msnm y precipitación de 2000 mm y el otro, en la Reserva Biológica de Carara, ubicada a 150 msnm y una precipitacion de 2487 mm. Se usó un diseño de bloques completos al azar, en parcelas divididas en el tiempo y cuatro repeticiones; la unidad experimental fue de 6 m2. En la EEFBM se probó el método de aplicación total y los tratamientos fueron: napropamida (4 kg/ha), atrazina (1,5 kg/ha), metribuzin (0,20 kg/ha) y linuron (1,5 kg/ha), además de un testigo deshierbado y uno a libre crecimiemto. El experimento que se realizó en Carara se estableció con los resultados obtenidos en la EEFBM, para estudiar la aplicación dirigida (sin contacto con las plantas de chile). Se usaron los siguientes tratamientos: difenomida (4 kg/ha), oxadiazon (0,5 kg/ha), cada una se mezcló con pendimetalina (1 kg/ha) + paraquat (0,5 kg/ha) y alaclor (1,5 kg/ha) + paraquat (0,5 kg/ha). Además se incluyó un testigo que consistió en aplicaciones frecuenciales de paraquat y testigo a libre crecimiento. Todas las mezclas de herbicidas usadas en la EEFBM causaron fitotoxicidad a las plantas de chile. Los tratamientos que combatieron mejor las malezas fueron pendimetalina + atrazina y alaclor + linuron, la producción promedio fue de 7,2 t/ha. En Carara, el mejor tratamiento fue alaclor + metribuzin + paraquat con una producción de chile de 54,3 t/ha; la producción promedio de chile fue de 34,5 t/ha.
The trials were conducted at two localities in Costa Rica: at the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station in Alajuela at 840 m.a.s.l. and 2487 mm of rainfall and at the Carara Biological Reservation located at 150 m.a.s.l. and 2487 mm of rainfall. A Complete Randomized Block, with split plots on the time, experimental design wi th four replications was used. The experimental unit was 6 m2. At the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station, the total application method was tested with the following treatments: napropamide (4 kg/ha), atrazine (1.5 kg/ha), metribuzin (0.20 kg/ha) and linuron (1.5 kg/ha), besides of a weeded control and another one left unweeded. The trial conducted at Carara was established according to the results obtained at the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station, in order to study the aimed application (without contacting the pepper plants). The treatments applied were: diphenamid (4 kg/ha), oxadiazon (0.5 kg/ha), each one mixed wi th pendimethalin (1 kg/ha) + paraquat (0. 5 kg/ha) and alachlor (1.5 kg/ha) + paraquat (0.5 kg/ha). Control consisting of frequent paraquat applications and free weed growth were also included. All herbicide mixtures used at the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station caused phytotoxicity to the pepper plants. The treatments which best controlled weeds were pendimethalin + atrazine and alachlor + linuron, the average yield was 7.2 t/ha. At Carara, the best treatment was alachlor + metribuzin + paraquat with a yield of 54.3 t/ha. The average yield was 34.5 t/ha.
The trials were conducted at two localities in Costa Rica: at the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station in Alajuela at 840 m.a.s.l. and 2487 mm of rainfall and at the Carara Biological Reservation located at 150 m.a.s.l. and 2487 mm of rainfall. A Complete Randomized Block, with split plots on the time, experimental design wi th four replications was used. The experimental unit was 6 m2. At the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station, the total application method was tested with the following treatments: napropamide (4 kg/ha), atrazine (1.5 kg/ha), metribuzin (0.20 kg/ha) and linuron (1.5 kg/ha), besides of a weeded control and another one left unweeded. The trial conducted at Carara was established according to the results obtained at the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station, in order to study the aimed application (without contacting the pepper plants). The treatments applied were: diphenamid (4 kg/ha), oxadiazon (0.5 kg/ha), each one mixed wi th pendimethalin (1 kg/ha) + paraquat (0. 5 kg/ha) and alachlor (1.5 kg/ha) + paraquat (0.5 kg/ha). Control consisting of frequent paraquat applications and free weed growth were also included. All herbicide mixtures used at the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station caused phytotoxicity to the pepper plants. The treatments which best controlled weeds were pendimethalin + atrazine and alachlor + linuron, the average yield was 7.2 t/ha. At Carara, the best treatment was alachlor + metribuzin + paraquat with a yield of 54.3 t/ha. The average yield was 34.5 t/ha.