Respiración, biomasa microbiana y actividad fosfatasa del suelo en dos agroecosistemas y un bosque en Turrialba, Costa Rica
Durango, Wuellins
Uribe Lorío, Lidieth
Henríquez Henríquez, Carlos Roberto
Mata Chinchilla, Rafael
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Con el fin de evaluar algunas características microbiológicas y bioquímicas, se realizó un estudio comparativo entre 3 sistemas de manejo del suelo en Ultisoles, ubicado en Grano de Oro, Turrialba Costa Rica. Se eligieron 3 sistemas de manejo de suelos (2 agroecosistemas, café y cafébanano) y bosque. En cada finca se colectaron 4 muestras compuestas de suelo, a las cuales se les determinó respiración, biomasa microbiana y actividad de la enzima fosfatasa. En los suelos del bosque la biomasa microbiana fue estadísticamente superior (423 mg C kg-1) comparada con la de los agroecosistemas café y café-banano (77 y 111 mg C kg-1 respectivamente). La respiración microbiana no presentó diferencias (580, 560 y 570 μg CO2 g-1.día-1 en los sistemas café, cafébanano y bosque, respectivamente). También se determinó que la actividad de la enzima fosfatasa en los suelos del bosque fue estadísticamente más alta (4432 μg p-NP g-1.h-1). Los resultados sugieren que las condiciones del suelo en el bosque favorecen una mayor biomasa microbiana y mayor actividad de la fosfatasa, comparados con los sistemas agrícolas.
In order to evaluate some microbiological and biochemical characteristics, a comparative study was carried out, as related to 3 different land uses in Ultisols located in Grano de Oro, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Three soil management systems were selected (two agroecosystems, coffee and coffee-banana) and forest. In each farm, 4 composite soil samples were collected, on which microbial biomass and respiration, and phosphatase enzyme activity analysis were performed. The microbial biomass in forest was statistically higher (423 mg C kg-1) compared to those in agroecosystems coffee and coffee-banana (77 and 111 mg C kg-1 respectively). Microbial respiration did not show differences due to land management (580, 560 and 570 μg CO2 in coffee, coffee-banana and forest systems, respectively). It was also determined that the enzyme phosphatase activity in forest soils was statistically higher (4432 μg p-NP g-1.h-1). The data suggest that soil conditions in the forest favor greater microbial activity and phosphatase biomass, as compared to agricultural systems.
In order to evaluate some microbiological and biochemical characteristics, a comparative study was carried out, as related to 3 different land uses in Ultisols located in Grano de Oro, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Three soil management systems were selected (two agroecosystems, coffee and coffee-banana) and forest. In each farm, 4 composite soil samples were collected, on which microbial biomass and respiration, and phosphatase enzyme activity analysis were performed. The microbial biomass in forest was statistically higher (423 mg C kg-1) compared to those in agroecosystems coffee and coffee-banana (77 and 111 mg C kg-1 respectively). Microbial respiration did not show differences due to land management (580, 560 and 570 μg CO2 in coffee, coffee-banana and forest systems, respectively). It was also determined that the enzyme phosphatase activity in forest soils was statistically higher (4432 μg p-NP g-1.h-1). The data suggest that soil conditions in the forest favor greater microbial activity and phosphatase biomass, as compared to agricultural systems.