Efecto de Factores Antinutricionales en el Pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes) sobre el metabolismo de ratas jóvenes
Gómez Salas, Georgina
Quesada Mora, Silvia
Nanne Echandi, Clara Isabel
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Se estudió la presencia de lectinas e inhibidores de tripsina en el pejibaye (Bactrisgasipaes), consideradas factores antinutricionales por el efecto negativo que ejercen en la digestión absorción de proteínas de
la dieta.Las determinaciones se hicieron en extractos de pejibaye entero cocido, entero crudo y sus partes
(pulpa,cascaray semina). Los resultados mostraron la presencia de una lectiva que aglutina específicamente eritrocitos de camero; y de otra en extracto de semilla, que aglutina inespecíficamente eritrocitos humanos del sistema ABO y eritrocitos de camero, conejo y caballo. Se determinó además, la existenciade un inhibido de tripsina en la cáscara del fruto, que disminuye la actividadde la enzima en un 53.7%.EI efectode los factores antinutricionales presentesen el pejibaye se midió sobre algunos parámetros bioquímicos de machos de 30 días de nacidos, a los que se les suministró extractos acuosos de pulpa, cáscara, semilla, y pejibaye entero tanto crudo como cocido.Los extractos se suministraron como bebida durante 6 semanas consecutivas; se hicieron determinaciones semanales de los niveles séricos de glucosa, triglicéridos, colesterol, proteínas totales y fraccionadas. No hubo diferencias significativas entre diferentes grupos en los valores de las determinaciones séricas que se analizaron, sin embargo, se observó un menor aumento en la concentración de glucosa en animales que consumieron extractos de pejibaye crudo en comparación con los que ingirieron cocido, y una disminución del 8.3% de los triglicéridos, en los que consumieran extracto de pulpa, junto con un aumento en el colesterol.
The presence of lectins and trypsin inhibitors in the fruit of pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes) was studied. These substances have been considered antinutritional factors due to their negative effect on the digestion and absorption of proteins from the diet. The deteminations were made in extracts of the whole fruit cooked and raw and their components (pulp, skin and seed). A lectin that agglutinates specifically sheep erythrocytes was found in the pulp, another that agglutinates inespecifically human erythrocytes and also sheep, rabbit and horse erythrocytes was detected in the seed. A trypsin inhibitor that reduces 53.7% the enzyme activity was found in the skin of the fruit. In order to determine the effect of the antinutritional factors over some biochemical parameters, aqueous extracts of the pulp, skin seed, and the whole fruit cook and raw, were given to male rats 30 days of age. The extracts were given dissolved in the drinking water for 6 weeks. During this period of time, weekly serum determinations of glucose, biclycerides, cholesterol, total and fraction proteins, hematocrit and hemoglobin were performed. Significant differences between the groups on the values of the seric determinations were not found, even though there was a decrease of 8.3% of the triglycerides in the animals conlurning pulp extract. This decrease on the seric concentration of triglycerides was accompanied by an increment in the seric cholesterol value on this group of animals.
The presence of lectins and trypsin inhibitors in the fruit of pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes) was studied. These substances have been considered antinutritional factors due to their negative effect on the digestion and absorption of proteins from the diet. The deteminations were made in extracts of the whole fruit cooked and raw and their components (pulp, skin and seed). A lectin that agglutinates specifically sheep erythrocytes was found in the pulp, another that agglutinates inespecifically human erythrocytes and also sheep, rabbit and horse erythrocytes was detected in the seed. A trypsin inhibitor that reduces 53.7% the enzyme activity was found in the skin of the fruit. In order to determine the effect of the antinutritional factors over some biochemical parameters, aqueous extracts of the pulp, skin seed, and the whole fruit cook and raw, were given to male rats 30 days of age. The extracts were given dissolved in the drinking water for 6 weeks. During this period of time, weekly serum determinations of glucose, biclycerides, cholesterol, total and fraction proteins, hematocrit and hemoglobin were performed. Significant differences between the groups on the values of the seric determinations were not found, even though there was a decrease of 8.3% of the triglycerides in the animals conlurning pulp extract. This decrease on the seric concentration of triglycerides was accompanied by an increment in the seric cholesterol value on this group of animals.
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