Factores psicosociales de las mujeres que optan por la oclusion tubarica bilatera como metodo contraceptivo. Una revision integrativa
tesis de maestría
Delgado Estrada, Aimara Yumibet
Urroz Treminio, Meylin Juleydith
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Esta investigación tiene la función de aportar al departamento de enfermería en obstetricia la función e importancia de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres. Se establece la oclusión tubárica como un método contraceptivo, el cual comprende el derecho de la planificación familiar, en donde el personal de la salud y el Estado deben velar, por ende, brindar condiciones que informen, orienten y propicien espacios para la salud reproductiva. El objetivo principal es analizar la evidencia científica disponible sobre los factores psicosociales de las mujeres para que opten por la oclusión tubárica bilateral como método contraceptivo. Se determinó que la percepción que poseen las mujeres sobre la decisión de optar o no por un método contraceptivo se ve afectada por los siguientes aspectos: tener una edad avanzada, embarazos jóvenes y condición económica baja. Además, existe la creencia de que se requiere de la aprobación de la pareja o la familia para acceder al método, esto repercute en la toma de decisiones, pues obtienen información errónea sobre este derecho. Por último, la decisión de optar por el método se encuentra influenciada por el seguro médico.
This research has the function of providing the department of obstetrics nursing with the function and importance of women's sexual and reproductive rights. Tubal occlusion is established as a contraceptive method, which includes the right to family planning, where health personnel and the State must ensure, therefore, provide conditions that inform, guide and promote spaces for reproductive health. The main objective is to analyze the available scientific evidence on the psychosocial factors of women so that they opt for bilateral tubal occlusion as a contraceptive method. It was determined that the perception that women have about the decision to opt or not for a contraceptive method is affected by the following aspects: being of advanced age, young pregnancies and low economic status. In addition, there is a belief that the approval of the partner or family is required to access the method, this has an impact on decision-making, since they obtain incorrect information about this right. Finally, the decision to opt for the method is influenced by health insurance.
This research has the function of providing the department of obstetrics nursing with the function and importance of women's sexual and reproductive rights. Tubal occlusion is established as a contraceptive method, which includes the right to family planning, where health personnel and the State must ensure, therefore, provide conditions that inform, guide and promote spaces for reproductive health. The main objective is to analyze the available scientific evidence on the psychosocial factors of women so that they opt for bilateral tubal occlusion as a contraceptive method. It was determined that the perception that women have about the decision to opt or not for a contraceptive method is affected by the following aspects: being of advanced age, young pregnancies and low economic status. In addition, there is a belief that the approval of the partner or family is required to access the method, this has an impact on decision-making, since they obtain incorrect information about this right. Finally, the decision to opt for the method is influenced by health insurance.
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