Parménides como proyecto del «pensar» (νοεῖν)
Hazel Fallas, Robin
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Frente a la interpretación del Poema sobre la naturaleza, que puede llamarse «canónica», aparece una nueva oleada de observaciones que abren nuevas hipótesis. De cara a la lectura que se concentra solo en llevar a fin ontológico el contenido del poema, se erigen nuevas concepciones que tocan lo científico e inclusive lo gnoseológico. Entre tantas opciones existe la posibilidad de leer a Parménides como proyecto. El descubrir en qué consiste dicho proyectar y una posible vía para concretar el mismo, desde el pensar en su relación con la φύσις, es lo que ocupará esta breve investigación.
Facing the interpretation of the Poem about Nature, which can be called “canonical”, a new wave of observations, that open new hypotheses, appears. In front of the reading that focuses only on bringing the content of the poem to an ontological end, new conceptions that touch the scientific and even the gnoseological are erected. Among many options there is the possibility of reading Parmenides as a project. Discovering what this project consists and a possible way to specify it, from the thinking in relationship with the φύσις, is what this brief investigation will occupy.
Facing the interpretation of the Poem about Nature, which can be called “canonical”, a new wave of observations, that open new hypotheses, appears. In front of the reading that focuses only on bringing the content of the poem to an ontological end, new conceptions that touch the scientific and even the gnoseological are erected. Among many options there is the possibility of reading Parmenides as a project. Discovering what this project consists and a possible way to specify it, from the thinking in relationship with the φύσις, is what this brief investigation will occupy.
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