Derechos humanos, emociones y neuroética
Carvajal Villaplana, Álvaro
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El análisis de las emociones y su relación con los derechos
humanos, se sustenta de datos y argumentos científicos, en
especial de la Biología, la genética y la neurociencia; de igual
forma, echa mano de algunas nociones de la filosofía de la mente.
Esta investigación enfatiza en los aspectos epistemológicos, se
trata de una aproximación analítica que busca precisar los
conceptos, marcando los límites de una manera de fundamentar
los derechos humanos. Esta perspectiva busca un punto medio
entre el esencialismo y la construcción social, ensaya encontrar un
modelo bidereccionalidad que va del mundo de la biología al
mundo de la cultura y viceversa. Aunque, se critica el enfoque de
la construcción social simplista.
The analysis of emotions in their relationship to human rights draws on data and arguments of science, especially from biology, genetics and neuroscience, as well as from philosophy of mind. This research emphasizes the epistemological aspects; it is an analytical approach that seeks to define the concepts and to set the limits of a way to substantiate human rights. This perspective seeks a middle ground between essentialism and social construction and tries to find a model that will correlate the world of biology to the world of culture and viceversa. (Although, the simplistic approach to social construction is critized).
The analysis of emotions in their relationship to human rights draws on data and arguments of science, especially from biology, genetics and neuroscience, as well as from philosophy of mind. This research emphasizes the epistemological aspects; it is an analytical approach that seeks to define the concepts and to set the limits of a way to substantiate human rights. This perspective seeks a middle ground between essentialism and social construction and tries to find a model that will correlate the world of biology to the world of culture and viceversa. (Although, the simplistic approach to social construction is critized).
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