Propuesta de material didáctico para la adquisición de la competencia lectora del español como segunda lengua en estudiantes indígenas de sétimo año del territorio cabécar de Chirripó
Pereira Zúñiga, Leonardo
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La presente investigación consiste en la propuesta de un material didáctico que contribuye a mejorar la comprensión lectora del español como segunda lengua en el contexto educativo de los liceos rurales del cantón de Chirripó en Turrialba. En primer lugar, el trabajo investigativo realiza una lectura crítica del programa de estudio propuesto por el Ministerio de Educación Pública en la materia de Español, específicamente para sétimo año; de ahí se desprende un análisis detallado de su pertinencia en las clases que los docentes deben impartir a estudiantes indígenas cabécares. En segundo lugar, se muestra un diagnóstico pormenorizado de la realidad educativa que se vive en los liceos rurales de Chirripó en relación con la enseñanza de la materia de Español, en el cual se incorpora la perspectiva tanto de docentes como de estudiantes. En tercer lugar, se presenta una propuesta de material didáctico junto con los resultados obtenidos de su aplicación, el cual parte de una perspectiva intercultural donde se aborda la comprensión lectora de textos literarios, donde se emplea el español como una segunda lengua. Dicho material didáctico consta de cuatro cuentos y cinco poemas con sus respectivos ejercicios de comprensión lectora, además de incorporar traducciones e ilustraciones contextualizadas según la realidad idiomática y cultural del pueblo cabécar.
The present investigation consists of the proposal of a didactic material that contributes to improve the reading comprehension of Spanish as a second language in the educational context of the rural high schools of Chirripó in Turrialba. In the first place, the research makes a critical reading of the study program proposed by the Ministry of Public Education in the subject of Spanish, specifically for seventh grade; from there, a detailed analysis of its relevance in the classes that teachers must give to indigenous Cabecar students is derived. Second, a detailed diagnosis of the educational reality in the rural high schools of Chirripó in relation to the teaching of Spanish is shown, incorporating the perspective of both teachers and students. Third, a proposal of didactic material is presented with the results obtained from its application, which is based on an intercultural perspective where the reading comprehension of literary texts is approached using Spanish as a second language. This didactic material consists of four stories and five poems with their respective reading comprehension exercises, in addition to incorporating translations and illustrations contextualized according to the linguistic and cultural reality of the Cabecar people.
The present investigation consists of the proposal of a didactic material that contributes to improve the reading comprehension of Spanish as a second language in the educational context of the rural high schools of Chirripó in Turrialba. In the first place, the research makes a critical reading of the study program proposed by the Ministry of Public Education in the subject of Spanish, specifically for seventh grade; from there, a detailed analysis of its relevance in the classes that teachers must give to indigenous Cabecar students is derived. Second, a detailed diagnosis of the educational reality in the rural high schools of Chirripó in relation to the teaching of Spanish is shown, incorporating the perspective of both teachers and students. Third, a proposal of didactic material is presented with the results obtained from its application, which is based on an intercultural perspective where the reading comprehension of literary texts is approached using Spanish as a second language. This didactic material consists of four stories and five poems with their respective reading comprehension exercises, in addition to incorporating translations and illustrations contextualized according to the linguistic and cultural reality of the Cabecar people.