Educación e ingreso como predictores de la esperanza de vida: Evidencias de un análisis de regresión aplicado a indicadores de desarrollo humano
Montero Rojas, Eiliana
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Usando datos del Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano de 1998 se ajustó un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple para estimar la esperanza de vida al nacer como fun- ción de un indicador de poder adquisitivo, el PIB per cápita en dólares, y un indi- cador de educación, la tasa de matriculación combinada. Los resultados muestran que la importancia relativa del indicador de educación en la predicción de la espe- ranza de vida es prácticamente tres veces la importancia relativa del indicador del poder adquisitivo. El estudio también ilustra la utilidad del enfoque de regresión múltiple como herramienta para la investigación en ciencias sociales.
A linear regression model was adjusted with data from the Human Development Report 1998. The purpose was to predict Life Expectancy at Birth as a function of an indicator of education, the Combined First, Second and Third Level Gross Enrolment Ratio, and an indicator of monetary or buying power, the Real GDP per capita in dollars. Results show that the relative importance of the education indicator is practically three times the importance of the buying power indicator. The study also shows the usefulness of the multiple regression approach as a tool for research in Social Sciences.
A linear regression model was adjusted with data from the Human Development Report 1998. The purpose was to predict Life Expectancy at Birth as a function of an indicator of education, the Combined First, Second and Third Level Gross Enrolment Ratio, and an indicator of monetary or buying power, the Real GDP per capita in dollars. Results show that the relative importance of the education indicator is practically three times the importance of the buying power indicator. The study also shows the usefulness of the multiple regression approach as a tool for research in Social Sciences.
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