Tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico del trastorno de pánico en personas menores de edad
Crooks Thomas, Rachell Danise
Vargas Umaña, Ashley
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Los trastornos de ansiedad son una de las enfermedades más frecuentes tanto en la
población adulta como en la población infanto-juvenil, y de allí la importancia de conocer
su adecuado abordaje diagnóstico y tratamiento. El trastorno de pánico forma parte de los
trastornos de ansiedad que pueden presentarse en la infancia y el conocimiento de los
aspectos propios de esta patología es fundamental, dado que, cada vez existe más población
menor a 18 años que consulta a los servicios de medicina general y de psiquiatría por
ataques de ansiedad como motivo de consulta. El diagnóstico y tratamiento de los
trastornos mentales se debe realizar aun con mayor cautela en esta población, para asegurar
el correcto ejercicio diagnóstico, descartando otras posibles causas de los síntomas
presentados, además, se debe escoger un tratamiento que sea adecuado para este tipo de
La revisión bibliográfica realizada pretende clarificar aspectos propios del trastorno de
pánico, incluyendo el proceso diagnóstico y el diagnóstico diferencial, además se recopilará
información científica actualizada a nivel mundial donde se repasen cuáles son las mejores
opciones terapéuticas para el manejo de esta condición, incluyendo tanto opciones
farmacológicas como no farmacológicas.
Por medio de la información obtenida, se elaborará un protocolo que contemplará las pautas
para el correcto abordaje del trastorno de pánico en personas menores de edad, mismo que
estará dirigido a personal médico del primer nivel de atención de forma que pueda ser
utilizado como una guía clínica al momento de atender pacientes con estos síntomas.
Anxiety disorders are part of the most frequent mental disorders both in the adult population and in the child-adolescent population, and hence the importance of knowing their adequate diagnostic approach and treatment. Panic disorder is part of the anxiety disorders that can occur in childhood and knowledge of the specific aspects of this pathology is imperative because more and more people under 18 years consult their primary care physician and psychiatry services claiming they present panic attacks. The diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders must be carried out with even greater caution in this population, since the correct diagnostic exercise must be ensured, ruling out other possible causes of the symptoms presented, also a treatment that is adequate for this specific population must be chosen. This bibliographic review aims to clarify aspects of panic disorder, including the diagnostic process of the disorder and differential diagnosis, in addition to collect current scientific data available worldwide and updated where the best therapeutic options for managementt are reviewed, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological options. Through the information obtained, a protocol will be developed in which the guidelines for the correct approach to panic disorder in minors will be contemplated, which will be targeted to primary care physicians, so that it can be used as a clinical guide when caring for patients with these symptoms.
Anxiety disorders are part of the most frequent mental disorders both in the adult population and in the child-adolescent population, and hence the importance of knowing their adequate diagnostic approach and treatment. Panic disorder is part of the anxiety disorders that can occur in childhood and knowledge of the specific aspects of this pathology is imperative because more and more people under 18 years consult their primary care physician and psychiatry services claiming they present panic attacks. The diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders must be carried out with even greater caution in this population, since the correct diagnostic exercise must be ensured, ruling out other possible causes of the symptoms presented, also a treatment that is adequate for this specific population must be chosen. This bibliographic review aims to clarify aspects of panic disorder, including the diagnostic process of the disorder and differential diagnosis, in addition to collect current scientific data available worldwide and updated where the best therapeutic options for managementt are reviewed, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological options. Through the information obtained, a protocol will be developed in which the guidelines for the correct approach to panic disorder in minors will be contemplated, which will be targeted to primary care physicians, so that it can be used as a clinical guide when caring for patients with these symptoms.
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