Análisis guiado de sentencias mediante aprendizaje colaborativo: una estrategia para el desarrollo del razonamiento jurídico
Baltodano Mayorga, José Daniel
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En el presente artículo, se documentan los resultados de la aplicación del análisis guiado de sentencias como estrategia para el aprendizaje colaborativo, en el curso de Razonamiento Jurídico II de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Sede de Guanacaste, durante el II ciclo de 2021. A fin de promover una visión crítica y situada del fenómeno jurídico, se examina cualitativamente la pertinencia de esta táctica para fomentar el aprendizaje de los elementos sobre la interpretación y argumentación jurídica mediante la colaboración entre pares. Se concluye que esta última incidió positivamente en el aprendizaje de cada participante. La estrategia propicia un abordaje integral de las temáticas que permite vincular la teoría, la práctica y el contexto, para la construcción significativa de conocimientos. También, fomenta el desarrollo de diversas habilidades y actitudes relacionadas propiamente con los contenidos, así como con la investigación, el aprendizaje continuo, entre otros. Por tanto, como corolario de la experiencia, puede concluirse que se trata de un mecanismo idóneo para propiciar el aprendizaje activo y crítico del razonamiento jurídico
This paper documents the results of implementing a guided analysis of judgments as a collaborative learning strategy in the Legal Reasoning II course at the University of Costa Rica, Liberia campus during the second semester of 2021. To develop a critical and contextualized perspective on the legal phenomenon, a qualitative assessment of this tactic was conducted in order to enhance learning about the elements for legal interpretation and argumentation through peer work. It is concluded that peer collaboration impacted the learning process positively. This strategy promotes a comprehensive approach, integrating theory, practice, and context for a significant construction of knowledge. In addition, it develops multiple abilities and attitudes related to the content being discussed as well as research skills and ongoing learning, among others. Thus, this strategy proved to be ideal to foster active and critical learning of legal reasoning.
This paper documents the results of implementing a guided analysis of judgments as a collaborative learning strategy in the Legal Reasoning II course at the University of Costa Rica, Liberia campus during the second semester of 2021. To develop a critical and contextualized perspective on the legal phenomenon, a qualitative assessment of this tactic was conducted in order to enhance learning about the elements for legal interpretation and argumentation through peer work. It is concluded that peer collaboration impacted the learning process positively. This strategy promotes a comprehensive approach, integrating theory, practice, and context for a significant construction of knowledge. In addition, it develops multiple abilities and attitudes related to the content being discussed as well as research skills and ongoing learning, among others. Thus, this strategy proved to be ideal to foster active and critical learning of legal reasoning.
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