Reposo y germinación de semillas de Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Fabaceae): resultados de un estudio inédito y un experimento fallido
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Morales Sánchez, Carlos
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En Costa Rica, se determinó que para reproducir la especie arbórea Enterolobium cyclocarpum
(Fabaceae), las semillas seleccionadas deben tener una masa de 0,7 a 1,0 g. En general, mayor masa del fruto implica mayor masa de semillas viables, de modo que frutos más grandes podrán contener las mejores semillas. Algunas semillas de esta especie germinaron después de 13 años en reposo. Ahora existe evidencia de que las semillas de una cosecha dada están programadas para germinar en tiempos diferentes, lo que revela una estrategia reproductiva ventajosa a mediano y largo plazo.
In Costa Rica, it was determined that in order to reproduce the tree species E. cyclocarpum, selected seeds might weigh 0,7 to 1,0 g. In general, the weightiest fruits have the greatest mass of viable seeds, so that these fruits might contain the better seeds to be selected. Some seeds of this species germinated after 13 years of dormancy. Now there is evidence that the seeds of a particular crop are predeterminate to germinate in different times, this fact revealing a mid- and long-term advantageous reproductive strategy.
In Costa Rica, it was determined that in order to reproduce the tree species E. cyclocarpum, selected seeds might weigh 0,7 to 1,0 g. In general, the weightiest fruits have the greatest mass of viable seeds, so that these fruits might contain the better seeds to be selected. Some seeds of this species germinated after 13 years of dormancy. Now there is evidence that the seeds of a particular crop are predeterminate to germinate in different times, this fact revealing a mid- and long-term advantageous reproductive strategy.
Palabras clave
Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Fabaceae, Guanacaste, Ear tree, Reposo de semillas, Germinación, Seed dormancy and germination, Costa Rica