Estudio del inicio y término de la estación lluviosa en el Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica en el periodo 1981-2020. Parte 1, caracterización climática
artículo original
Ugalde Castro, Kendall
Alfaro Martínez, Eric J.
Hidalgo León, Hugo G.
Maldonado Mora, Tito José
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Esta investigación estudió el comportamiento y la distribución espacial del inicio y término de la estación lluviosa (IELL y TELL, respectivamente), así como la duración de las estaciones seca y lluviosa sobre la provincia de Guanacaste (DES y DELL, respectivamente). Se determinaron y caracterizaron estadísticamente las fechas del IELL, TELL, DES y DELL, usando datos de precipitación en rejilla sobre Guanacaste para el periodo 1981-2020 y se validaron contra datos de
precipitación de estaciones meteorológicas. Los IELL ocurren más tempranos en cantones centrales de Guanacaste alrededor de la desembocadura del río Tempisque, con fechas más tardías al desplazarse hacia zonas costeras, limítrofes con Alajuela y al norte de la provincia. Los TELL se distribuyen uniformemente, con valores tardíos al sur y valores tempranos en la zona central y norte de Guanacaste. La DES y DELL, son uniformes en la región con las condiciones más secas al norte y las más húmedas al sur y este de la región, con aproximadamente una mitad del año como estación seca y la otra como estación lluviosa. Las tendencias indican que los IELL son más tempranos, los TELL más tardíos, las DES más cortas y las DELL más largas.
This research aims to characterize the behavior and spatial distribution of the onset and demise of the rainy season (IELL and TELL, respectively for their acronym in Spanish), as well as the duration of the dry and rainy seasons over the province of Guanacaste (DES and DELL, respectively for their acronym in Spanish). The IELL, TELL, DES and DELL dates are determined and statistically characterized, using a gridded precipitation dataset for Guanacaste for the period 1981-2020 and validated against precipitation data from meteorological gauge stations. IELLs occur earlier in central cantons of Guanacaste around the mouth of the Tempisque river, with later dates as moving towards coastal regions, bordering Alajuela and to the north of the province. TELLs are uniformly distributed, with late values in the south and early values in the central and northern areas of Guanacaste. DES and DELL are uniform in the region with the driest conditions in the north and the most humid places in the south and east of the region, with approximately one half of the year as a dry season and the other half as a rainy season. The trends indicate earlier IELLs, later TELLs, shorter DES, and longer DELLs.
This research aims to characterize the behavior and spatial distribution of the onset and demise of the rainy season (IELL and TELL, respectively for their acronym in Spanish), as well as the duration of the dry and rainy seasons over the province of Guanacaste (DES and DELL, respectively for their acronym in Spanish). The IELL, TELL, DES and DELL dates are determined and statistically characterized, using a gridded precipitation dataset for Guanacaste for the period 1981-2020 and validated against precipitation data from meteorological gauge stations. IELLs occur earlier in central cantons of Guanacaste around the mouth of the Tempisque river, with later dates as moving towards coastal regions, bordering Alajuela and to the north of the province. TELLs are uniformly distributed, with late values in the south and early values in the central and northern areas of Guanacaste. DES and DELL are uniform in the region with the driest conditions in the north and the most humid places in the south and east of the region, with approximately one half of the year as a dry season and the other half as a rainy season. The trends indicate earlier IELLs, later TELLs, shorter DES, and longer DELLs.
Palabras clave
CHIRPS, Duración de la estación seca y lluviosa, Guanacaste, Precipitación, PRECIPITATION, RAINY AND DRY SEASON DURATION