Estructura de tallas, madurez gonádica y alimentación del pez Diapterus rhombeus (Gerreidae) en el sistema fluvio-deltaico Pom-Atasta, Campeche, México
Aguirre León, Arturo
Díaz Ruiz, Silvia
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Se estudió el pez D. rhombeus en el sistema fluviodeltaicoPom-Atasta, asociado a la Laguna de Términos Campeche, en un ciclo anual de 1992 a 1993. Esta especie es dominante en el sistema por su abundancia numérica, peso, frecuencia y amplia distribución. Se obtuvieron 745 individuos con un peso total de 2 890.2 g y un intervalo de longitud total de 3.0 a 16.7 cm. La variación anual del coeficiente alométrico b fue de 2.71 a 3.45. El factor de condición varió de 0.711 a 0.934. Fueron obtenidas diferencias significativas (p< 0.05) entre las épocas del año y los hábitats del sistema para el peso, la longitud y el factor de condición K, lo cual refleja la utilización espacio-temporal del sistema por la especie. La población contenida en Pom-Atasta, está constituida principalmente por individuos juveniles, y escasos preadultos, en estadios gonádicos I, II y III, registrándose más hembras que machos. La especie utiliza el sistema como área de crianza, crecimiento y alimentación. Tiene un espectro trófico variado, consume al menos ocho grupos diferentes, siendo su alimento principal materia orgánica no determinada, foraminíferos, ostrácodos y tanaidáceos. Es un consumidor de primer orden. El sistema Pom-Atasta se ubica en una zona de intensa actividad pesquera y petrolera, por lo cual es importante avanzar en el conocimiento de sus recursos pesqueros.
Size structure, gonadic development and diet of the fish Diapterus rhombeus (Gerreidae) in the Pom-Atasta fluvial-deltaic system, Campeche, Mexico. The fish Diapterus rhombeus was studied during an annual cycle from 1992 to 1993 in the fluvial-deltaic Pom-Atasta system associated with Terminos Lagoon, Campeche, Mexico. It is a dominant species in the system, based on its numeric abundance, weight, high frequency and wide distribution. A total of 745 individuals were obtained, with a weigth of 2 890.2 g and length ranging from 3.0 to 16.7 cm. The annual variation of the allometric coefficient b was from 2.71 to 3.345. Thecondition factor varied from 0.711 to 0.934. The statistical analysis shows significant differences (p< 0.05) between the seasons of the year and the habitats of the system for the weight, the longitude and the condition factor K, which reflects the space-temporal utilization of the system for the species. The population present at Pom-Atasta, consists mainly by juvenile and few preadults individuals in gonadal stages I, II, and III, and more females than males were recorded. This species utilizes the system as a nursery area, growth and feeding area. It has a varied trophic spectrum, and consumes at least eight different groups. Its principal food items are undetermined organic matter, foraminifers, ostracods and tanaidaceans. It is a first order consumer. The Pom-Atastasystem is located in a zone of intense fishing and oil activity, so it is important to advance in the knowledge of its fishing resources.
Size structure, gonadic development and diet of the fish Diapterus rhombeus (Gerreidae) in the Pom-Atasta fluvial-deltaic system, Campeche, Mexico. The fish Diapterus rhombeus was studied during an annual cycle from 1992 to 1993 in the fluvial-deltaic Pom-Atasta system associated with Terminos Lagoon, Campeche, Mexico. It is a dominant species in the system, based on its numeric abundance, weight, high frequency and wide distribution. A total of 745 individuals were obtained, with a weigth of 2 890.2 g and length ranging from 3.0 to 16.7 cm. The annual variation of the allometric coefficient b was from 2.71 to 3.345. Thecondition factor varied from 0.711 to 0.934. The statistical analysis shows significant differences (p< 0.05) between the seasons of the year and the habitats of the system for the weight, the longitude and the condition factor K, which reflects the space-temporal utilization of the system for the species. The population present at Pom-Atasta, consists mainly by juvenile and few preadults individuals in gonadal stages I, II, and III, and more females than males were recorded. This species utilizes the system as a nursery area, growth and feeding area. It has a varied trophic spectrum, and consumes at least eight different groups. Its principal food items are undetermined organic matter, foraminifers, ostracods and tanaidaceans. It is a first order consumer. The Pom-Atastasystem is located in a zone of intense fishing and oil activity, so it is important to advance in the knowledge of its fishing resources.