Aportes al debate sobre el consumo de grasa saturada de las carnes rojas
artículo original
Rubio Lozano, María Salud
Campos Granados, Carlos Mario
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La carne roja es un alimento que aporta gran cantidad de nutrientes, entre ellos la grasa saturada,
la cual es importante para el adecuado desarrollo y funcionamiento del organismo. A pesar de ello,
durante los años 60s se desarrollaron varios estudios que ponían a la grasa saturada como la
culpable de la incidencia de enfermedades cardiovasculares en las personas y se originó la
denominada “hipótesis de la dieta y el corazón”. A raíz de esta hipótesis se generaron diversas guías
dietéticas para disminuir o eliminar por completo el consumo de grasa saturada en las personas. Sin
embargo, estas recomendaciones generaron en la población, una serie de trastornos metabólicos,
como obesidad y diabetes, al aumentarse el consumo de carbohidratos simples en sustitución de
las grasas saturadas. La evidencia más reciente, generada a partir de meta-análisis, reporta que no
hay evidencia científica de la relación entre el consumo de grasa saturada y la aparición de
enfermedades cardiovasculares en las personas, por lo que el presente manuscrito pretende hacer
aportes a este debate sobre el consumo de grasa saturada de las carnes rojas.
Red meat is a food that provides a large amount of nutrients, including saturated fat, which is important for the proper development and functioning of the body. Despite this, during the 60s several studies were developed that put saturated fat as guilty in the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in people and the so-called “diet-heart hypothesis” was originated. As a result of this hypothesis, various dietary guidelines were generated to reduce or completely eliminate the consumption of saturated fat in people. However, these recommendations generated a series of metabolic disorders in the population, such as obesity and diabetes, by increasing the consumption of simple carbohydrates to replace saturated fats. The most recent evidence, generated from meta-analyses, reports that there is no scientific evidence of the relationship between the consumption of saturated fat and the appearance of cardiovascular diseases in people, so this manuscript aims to contribute to this debate on the consumption of saturated fat from red meat.
Red meat is a food that provides a large amount of nutrients, including saturated fat, which is important for the proper development and functioning of the body. Despite this, during the 60s several studies were developed that put saturated fat as guilty in the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in people and the so-called “diet-heart hypothesis” was originated. As a result of this hypothesis, various dietary guidelines were generated to reduce or completely eliminate the consumption of saturated fat in people. However, these recommendations generated a series of metabolic disorders in the population, such as obesity and diabetes, by increasing the consumption of simple carbohydrates to replace saturated fats. The most recent evidence, generated from meta-analyses, reports that there is no scientific evidence of the relationship between the consumption of saturated fat and the appearance of cardiovascular diseases in people, so this manuscript aims to contribute to this debate on the consumption of saturated fat from red meat.
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