Rasgos de los forófitos de Guazuma ulmifolia y Samanea saman y su influencia en la distribución espacial, abundancia y diversidad de plantas epífitas
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Cedeño Fonseca, Marco Vinicio
Chinchilla Alvarado, Isler Fabián
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Los rasgos de la corteza en los forófitos influyen en el establecimiento y la distribución espacial de plantas epífitas. Ante esto, en el campus de la Universidad Técnica Nacional, sede Atenas, Costa Rica, se evaluó la rugosidad y la capacidad de retención de agua en la corteza de Guazuma ulmifolia y Samanea saman. Se analizó los índices de diversidad y similitud de plantas epífitas presentes en cada forófito. Se marcó y georreferenció 30 forófitos, 15 de G. ulmifolia y15 de Samanea saman, y se zonificaron según la clasificación de las zonas de Johansson, y posteriormente se inventariaron las especies que crecen en cada zona. Se registraron 447 epífitas, pertenecientes a nueve familias, 21 géneros y 35 especies. Los forófitos no mostraron una distribución homogénea de epífitas dentro de sus estratos (fuste y copa del árbol) y la distribución de especies por zona de Johansson es diferente. Se identificaron especies epífitas con especificidad de hospedero. Se determinó una correlación positiva y altamente significativa entre el DAP y abundancia de epífitas en S. saman.
Bark traits in phorophytes influence the establishment and spatial distribution of epiphytic plants. Given this, at the campus of the Universidad Técnica Nacional, in Atenas, Costa Rica, bark surface rugosity and water retention capacity of Guazuma ulmifolia and Samanea saman were evaluated. The diversity and similarity indices of epiphytic plants present in each phorophyte were analyzed. Thirty phorophytes, 15 from G. ulmifolia and 15 from Samanea saman, were marked and georeferenced and zoned according to the Johansson zone classification, and subsequently, the species that grow in each zone were inventoried. We registered 447 epiphytes, belonging to 9 families, 21 genera and 35 species. The phorophytes did not show a homogeneous distribution of epiphytes within their strata (stem and canopy) and the distribution of species by Johansson zone is different. Epiphytic species with host specificity were identified. A positive and highly significant correlation was determined between DAP and the abundance of epiphytes in S. saman
Bark traits in phorophytes influence the establishment and spatial distribution of epiphytic plants. Given this, at the campus of the Universidad Técnica Nacional, in Atenas, Costa Rica, bark surface rugosity and water retention capacity of Guazuma ulmifolia and Samanea saman were evaluated. The diversity and similarity indices of epiphytic plants present in each phorophyte were analyzed. Thirty phorophytes, 15 from G. ulmifolia and 15 from Samanea saman, were marked and georeferenced and zoned according to the Johansson zone classification, and subsequently, the species that grow in each zone were inventoried. We registered 447 epiphytes, belonging to 9 families, 21 genera and 35 species. The phorophytes did not show a homogeneous distribution of epiphytes within their strata (stem and canopy) and the distribution of species by Johansson zone is different. Epiphytic species with host specificity were identified. A positive and highly significant correlation was determined between DAP and the abundance of epiphytes in S. saman
Palabras clave
Especificidad de hospedero, Estratos, Rugosidad de la corteza, Universidad Técnica Nacional, Zonas de Johansson, Bark surface rugosity, Strata, Host specificity, National Technical University, Johansson zones